The Attacks On & #Truth About #ViktorLarkhill of Let’s Adopt International – Viktor Is Under #Attack!
World Animal Rescue Network partner, Viktor Larkhill / Let’s Adopt International is under constant attack by people who do not share the same passion for animals – and the attacks are unbelievably cruel and venomous. This is what goes on behind the scenes of a successful independant animal rescue, and our WARN partner:
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
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Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: http://ridervo.com
Emergency Fund For Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue Your Donation Will Save Another Life Today! Please, use the YouTube Giving donation button to the right and below the video.
At "Let´s Adopt" – Viktor Larkhill Extreme Rescue, we rescue, treat and rehabilitate abused and injured animals around the world. We save their lives and we find them extraordinary homes. We use the most advanced medical techniques to save animal lives, offering a second chance to abused and injured animals that had lost all hope. Thank you for your caring and generosity, any amount helps.
Using a different name than your birth name protects you, your family, friends and every animal you save. There are crazy, ugly people in this world and you've had your experiences with them, unfortunately.
Actors often change their names. Writers sometimes use pseudonyms. I could not care less what your given name is … I care very much about your mission.
My thought from sitting here in California USA is maybe barking sets her off? Sadly not all personas will be on board? It will go away in time, God Bless You Viktor
Make sure she can’t throw anything over the fence! You are doing good work that no one else can do, so, may God bless you with peace!
She’s a crazy woman!!!!!
At least you have her death threats on video
She sounds possessed!
So much hate in this world! Thank god you have tall fences.
Please Viktor dont stop making good for thé animals you are an angle for thé animals God is with you
Maybe its time to move to a new location its a sign, than deal with that, you cant fight fire with fire, its best to move to a new place some times when bad people show up their a catalyst for movement
You are doingGods work even though you dont believe in him
Böse Menschen wie diese Nachbarin, hassen alles was Göttlich ist, somit alle alle Tiere und alle Tierschützer nur leider lässt Gott so ein Menschlichen Abschaum zu , damit wir wissen , dass wir auf dem Göttlichem Weg sind und uns um hilfsbedürftige Tiere kümmern und diese auch lieben obwohl sie nicht mal uns gehören.
Ich werde Dir Reiki senden, damit diese Nachbarin Euch endlich in Ruhe lässt indem sie mit Gotteshilfe weg ziehen wird, für Euer aller jeweiligem höchsten Wohl, damit Tierfreundliche Nachbarn dort einziehen können.
You are all wonderful, whatever your real name. Respect both your privacy and the awesome work you do. You should never have had to explain to us that you are using a pseudonym…you are you and thank goodness for you 😊
IM not really Donna Ridgway!! 😁 it’s no one’s goddam business what someone does with there name! I’ve followed you for many years on various pages and LOVE all your work!
Stay true to yourself and stay strong “VIKTAR”😉
Amazing work you do! Big hug to you all 🫂 and HUGE pats to all the dogs🐶 🐕 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 hugs from Australia 🇦🇺
Wow!!! There is something wrong with that woman!! Those poor dogs!!! After everything they've been through… they should be able to live in peace!!! Hopefully you can do something about her before she can do anything to those beautiful dogs!!!
She should be placed in the mental hospital or in jail! Call the police – she is dangerous and makes your life unsafe and miserable!
You say Turkish people don't trust foreigners in their country but they trust us then when they want to live hear or abroad it's like being two-faced cos I used to live nextdoor to Turkish people having said that tho, the ones I've met have been very friendly.
I've had that trouble with my neighbors one, one side and one of the other side cos they didn't like my cat's but now one of the neighbors has left she sold the house thank God but the now bought it has got three cats like me she has made some beautiful boxes for them to sleep in its just the other neighbors but they don't bother me any more they may have gave it up has a bad job, video everything that's happening and record her or tape her voice when she screams and stuff put the time and date when she starts kicking off.invite her round to look at the neglected dogs you've rescued and what sort of work you do go or the animals. Then she might change her mind about you. If not she just a sad sorry person
i can so understand privacy i am that way as well love everything you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is wrong with people!!!!!!!!!!!!! that women is not rite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you do so much good for all of the babies you are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!
It makes sense that you would want to have your private life set apart from the rescues that you do. The work you do is wonderful and everyone needs privacy.
I promise to you and the work you do!!!
Greetings and hope for the future from Germany!!!
She has to be taken to a psychiatric hospital and kept far away from your shelter !
Defenitely report her, get rid of her before she does harm to the beautiful dogs.
You are doing great work !!!
Had to laugh when you said ..no stress… Shows how well behaved they are that she is not triggering them, she is more stressful than any dog i have known.
Having been a cat person my whole life and then at 69 yrs, inheriting a 5 month old Border Collie, I can come from both angles. I have never liked dogs because of the noise of constant barking and ignorance of the owners letting them pee on our property, vehicle tires, lawn chairs etc., and them thinking that their ' fur babies' are ever so cute. My cats were indoors, never bothered neighbours, no one would even know I had 2 cats. Now, I have a different perspective. Our BC girl has taught us stuff we didn't know we needed to be taught. We all of a sudden have a love we didn't know we were capable of. So amazing. My prayer for you is that you could find a country property with acres that you could expand and do the wonderful work you do, without complaint or obstruction. There are so many lost animals that need you. Don't give up.
God bless to all of members Viktor Larkhill.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Essa mulher é completamente louca e mal educada.
She is mentally ill she needs the help cant report her for harassment or anything keep doing what u do and that's good you are recording everything
That is obviously a very violent nasty woman. How did you ended up living next to such low life neighbor? Please take the videos to a Police station or any authority who sees such violent behavior towards the neighbors are not tolerated.
That woman needs some mental help. She is extremely violent and vicious. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR DOGS DO NOT GO NEAR THE FENCES AT ALL. If this would have been the situation for me, I sure will move away from the evils.
She is PURE EVIL. It is pretty sad.
So sorry you all have to put up with this after the good work you do. It’s a mad world. This woman needs help .
That woman is crazy, don't stree yourself Victor, God is watching