Best video of Cute Babies and Pets – Funny Baby and Pet

Best video of Cute Babies and Pets - Funny Baby and Pet
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▶️ Video : Best video of Cute Babies and Pets – Funny Baby and Pet
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► Disclaimer: Peachy Vines and all of its videos are directed to a mature audience that is over 13 within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 of CHILDREN’S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT (USA) are not intended for children under 13 years old.

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About the Author: Peachy Vines


  1. Most of the them were genuinely lovely interactions but a couple or so where the animal was clearly showing signs of some distress and it's so important to pick that up and intervene the very second it's there to prevent either getting hurt.

  2. So y'all just let the cat lick the baby all on top of the head, let the babies feed the dog it's snacks and then let the baby eat after it, let the animals lick the babies all in the mouth. What is wrong with y'all? Y'all love animals that much? Just disgusting when it comes to your own children it's sad 🤦🏿‍♂️

  3. Some of those children identified as dogs. Clearly. Kids tell us what they are even when preverbal – as today's psychiatrists tell us. Better get those babies to the vet and get them fixed to show affirming health care. (I joke. I kid).

  4. идиотизм! дети показанные на видео , ещё не осознают , что кто такие животные. Им одинаково мягкая игрушка и животное. Дебилы родители оградите животных от детей. Ничего смешного нет в том как дети изучают животных. И да есть вариант и я этому был свидетелем , когда собака кусала ребёнка в ответ на чрезмерное любопытство последнего. Как кошка царапала в ответ за хватание и посягательство на свободу )) И поверте укусы и царапины были очень плохие. Не искушайте терпение животных.

  5. One day when I was young, my mother was visiting a friend who had a farm….so, I walked out into the field and licked the salt block….no, not just one lick….a few. I can relate.

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