Rescuer is so excited when this docile coyote starts feeling well enough to try biting her!
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It takes a special kind of person to rehab a coyote. You got him feeling healthy and feisty again. And I feel sure that last look back was a big coyote thank you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stopped by again sometime just to say hello! ❤❤❤😊
Idk coyotes bark lol
Thanks to YOU
He's very young, and doesn't look full coyote. I bet he had some confused instincts when it came to people.
He was sick, i went almost 6 months being mis diagnosed and I was literally at the brink of dying they decided to give me antibiotics and I bounced back almost immediately, i know exactly what that coyote was feeling, bye the way our medical system is broken 💔
This is wow
I remember this coyote I really do I think he’s retired now and he used to be in the Road runner and coyote show many years ago now he’s just an old dried up man but very happy.😂😂😂✝️✝️✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇮🇱
He is so thin. Atleast give him a couple more days of food/energy before releasing him. Once anti bionics and steroids wear off, the artificial feeling of wellbeing also wanes, and the poor fella, looks to have no reserves left. Probably ended up starving to death. In my "unprofessional" opinion; he should have been moved onto a pen and fed a little more before release. The sickness had taken its toll and there wasn't adequate time for his recovery.
Then again, in real terms, even humans are pumped up with drugs prior to being released from hospital and there are reports of them getting home only to collapse in agony.
Thanks for saving him! ❤
Nice story. I think it takes very special people to do this kind of rescue. The thanks they receive comes from the knowledge that they are doing something good. I hope that look from the coyote was a thank you. I thank you for your good work.❤
Cute little coyote
Wild animals are entitled and deserving happiness however that might be for them
I never realised coyotes were so beautiful. Thank you for helping this precious creature. Many blessings. 🥰
They are beautiful animals
Awesome rescue ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm glad the coyote is not preying on our fur babies.
Such an amazing, beautiful animal. Thank you for your kindness in helping him
❤ ThankYpu For helping him
First of all, he has a tick on his eye. After he was taken to the vet, the video shows the tick is gone
Saves Coyote. Coyote thanks Rescuer for saving him. Coyote within a 6-month period kills 20 peoples pet cats and dogs. Thanks Rescuer.
How indearing. What you said that you were never so happy to have a dig growel at you. Just so precious. Thank you all & HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL.
Such a beautiful animal!!❤ thanks for saying him!
It's good souls like you make this life worth living! Bless your kind hearts! Thank you you.
Why they did not go to the vet?
Coyotes deserve love too. All wildlife are innocent spirits that help this world thrive. So happy you guys helped him ❤❤❤
He turned around to ask if you could point him in the direction of the nearest family pet…. I'm a tad hungry 😂
is that how they normally move/run? with a bit of a skip???
And in a year or so, when Kristin will get attacked by a mugger near her barn, who's gonna show up and defend her ?!
(probably not the coyote)
May Allah protect you all/
Great job
He looked anemic and needing a food supply,
probably humans developed his habitat
with some strip mall or something… so sad….
he was too sick to be agro makes sense that requires more energy
So glad you rescued him. Thank you for sharing this video with us.
They needed to go give him to Timmy so he could be Weaves boyfriend 💕
"Never been so happy to have him growl at me" 😂 😊❤ love it!
А его покормили вкусненько перед свободой?! Спасибо всем неравнодушным людям!🙏💕🐕💓🌞
What gorgeous eyes!
I had no idea they barked like a dog! Dumb really!
Animals have an uncanny sense in knowing when they’re being helped.
Every state should have a rescue group like this!!!
🐕: “I swear! They took me into a room, knocked me out and gave me blankets and a stuffed rabbit’! It was hell!”
Looked like a paralysis tick on his eyelid.
What a beautiful video