They Painted Him Blue For Fun Then Disc4rded Him Crying In The Middle Of Their M0ckery
Puppy, puppies, poor puppy, abandoned puppy, puppy rescue, abandoned dog, abandoned puppies, puppy abandoned, poor, puppy rescued, saving puppies, rescue puppy, save puppy, dog rescue, lost puppy, puppies rescue, puppy saved, dog adoption, adopt a puppy
#rescuedog #rescue #puppy #heartforpaws
Humans are the worst kind of animals. I would adopt this little dog
Support of a school sports team?! How awful! There should be prison
Who in the hell would do this to an animal!! I am so angry
This made me cry so much that people could do that and be so cold hearted
Q guapo ha quedado❤❤
Q triste q las personas se diviertan haciendo esas cosas i abandonarlos como lo veo soy muy sensible i siempre e tenido perros i gatos abandonados ahora tengo a mi perrita Luna ciega ya tiene muchos años i soy sus ojos i siempre a mi lado e pasado muchos disgustos por q se quieren mucho q se pensaban q era un pitufo no tengo palabras para estas personas igual q abandonarlos atropellados felicito a todas las personas q hacéis estas cosas maravillosas 😢😢❤❤❤yo si fuera mas joven lo haría i lo e hecho
Que vergonha sao os seres humanos prefiro animais jamais um cachorro iria fazer maldade com nos cada dia mais amo os animais.
Que lindo pupi ❤
I would call him snoopy❤️❤️❤️
You painted that animal and left it on the street to record it, to get thousands of views like many videos that circulate on YouTube of fake rescues where they leave those poor animals in horrible conditions. People, don't be fooled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WXZU6CTVts
"Yellow Raft, Blue Water", a VERY good book, by the way, or 'Baby Smurf', or "Blue Cloud Pup". Please get him tested, just in case. He is sweet as all get out, I think you found a keeper.😄
Hope…..you gave him hope for a good life !
An Indian chef once said when we loose compassion for animals we have lost compassion for mankind and all is lost" so sad and very true! Thank you for saving and helping this little pup!
El que hizo esto debería estar en la cárcel.
Great video!
Kudo's & Gold bless you for all you do to help the misfortunate, It's so sad that there are so many mean people out there
Never heard of you before. But This video shows me you are a very good and kind person. I love animals like cats and dogs just like you and I think you were the best helper i ever seen It makes me smile and feel good about you
Where did this take place? The cruelty of humans knows no bounds.
Cute pup 🐶 ❤
Thank you sir for helping!
Parabéns pela sua atitude ❤❤
Name idea: Precious
Aw such a cute pup! How cruel to paint and dump a baby in the middle of nowhere! There many soulless people out there! Thank you for saving this poor angel! May God bless you and the pups!
How someone could do that to an innocent little puppy sickens me to no end!!
Blue is a good name
Deus abençoe o trabalho das suas,e te dê tudo em dobro,o que você fez por esses inocentes…..
What a kind person you are for rescuing that puppy and showing the puppy that someone cares.
What about Puff (of white) or White Cloud ?
Me sitting here sobbing. I’m so happy this little pup encountered a gentle soul who rescued him.
I like the name sky
😢why such cruelty to a sweet pup thank you for saving this precious Little soul ❤
Love is Divine& pure. Puppy is fresh& happy now. Thankyou. God bless u. 🙌💟🙏🏼
How about "Archie?"
I get FILLED WITH ANGER when this happens and then my heart hurts! Go do your job Karma and teach those horrible people a lesson! Could you please give this puppy a good quality CANNED food and not the dry food that is dehydrating and not nutritious. He sure trust you and is relieved!!!
Que dó 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Thank you ❤
Cloudy it is.❤
What a cute puppy! Who would do such a thing! ☹️☹️