Natural Disasters – Flood in Mecca, Earthquake in Turkey, Snowstorm in Europe
Welcome to our channel, where we bring you the latest updates on a wide range of natural disasters. From floods and earthquakes to hurricanes and tornadoes, we’ll keep you informed about the most significant events happening around the world. Stay tuned for in-depth coverage and crucial safety tips to help you stay prepared and protected. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and join us on this journey of understanding and mitigating the impacts of Mother Nature’s forces.
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#naturaldisasters #flood #weather
I’m praying for all of you ❤
Will you stop posting this every day and giving it a new title!??
God is coming through all the countries
Disasters and destruction are the results of the people’s disobedience to the true God. The Almighty God has the right to correct our mistakes. He is the creator of all, but the people are praising and worshipping other gods or idols. Lord Jesus Christ is the God of Jews and not Jews. He is the God of all. He is the Judge of this coming final judgment. Lust for money, lust for the flesh, and other sins we have all made the reason that keeps us away from God's protection. We have been deceived by satan. We really need to change our lives to become good people in the eyes of God. It is necessary to change the mind and heart because God knows the content of our mind and heart. To follow our Lord Jesus Christ is on the right path to salvation. Jesus is the light while living in this sinful world. Love our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. God loves us so much. How can we face God if we hate our fellow human beings? We can now identify the false religion which is the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ religions are being united against the authority of our God Almighty. Only the Lord Jesus Christ the beloved the Son of God was sacrificed for the forgiveness of all humanity. To all people of the world, please accept and believe now in our Lord Jesus Christ, because before entering heaven, our body and soul must be cleansed first through the beloved Son of God, By the precious blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us, that's the unmeasurable love of the Most-High God for humanity. He gave and sacrificed His begotten Son for our salvation. Lord Jesus Christ is true the Son of the Most-High God. Only the Lord Jesus Christ to fill the broken connection between the Most-High God and humans. We must understand the Most-High God is so holy. We are dirty because of sins. We have no right to connect the holiness of the Most-High God. Obey God's will. We must follow the path of the Lord Jesus Christ for our good destination of Eternal life. Satan only destroys, kills, and deceives many people to be brought to hell. That's the forever destruction or perishable body and soul of a disobedient. Look at the minion of satan the anti-Christ religion is being united against the authority of God. They deceive people into accepting the mark of the beast (666) so that many people are thrown to hell a lake of fire and brimstone. God will never forgive the person who accepts the mark of the beast. What happens now reminds us there is the Most High God who continues loving us and continues knocking on our hearts that there is hope to be saved from the time He pours His wrath and this perishable life. It will not stop from experiencing various disasters as long as there are people who disobey God, people who do not follow God's commandments, people who worship other gods, people who worship idols, people who worship the devil, and people who do not believe in God. We are disobedient to God's will. We are disobedient to His commandments. 😭Some people don't believe in God like the Atheist people, some worshipped another god, and some lack belief in God. Most people didn't praise, worship, or even thanking God for the air we breathed. As a sinner, we are so weak in believing in God. Even on small tests we easily give up. Since Eve and Adam sinned, evil reigns in this world, so this world is full of evil and temptation. So the most beloved only Son of the Most-High God became human to spread the word of His God the Father and redeem us as sinners. We always experienced disasters. Don't wait for the worst to happen. Never ignore the wrath of God. We need to correct our mistakes. We are already in the last days of judgment. People will be in danger in the ruling country that wants to rule the world. We will be destroyed by believing in the man-made religion that we have followed from our ancestors and the religion created by the anti-Christ. We must obey the Most-High God's will revealed by His Son Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. Only Jesus was given by God to fill the broken communication between God and the people because of the holiness of the Most-High God. Everyone in the world should know what is meant by what Lord Jesus Christ said He and God the Father are one, because of the sin of mankind, there is already a gap between God and mankind because God is so holy. In every prayer and request to God, the Lord Jesus Christ will listen and ask His Father for us. That is what Jesus said to John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one to love us, they are one against evil. We hurt them because of sins. They must be together in our faith. I praise You Oh Lord Jesus Christ my savior. To all people out there, our life here on earth is only temporary because of sins, we must die but Jesus said not all people will die when rapture will come. We inherited the sins of Adam and Eve and our own sins, which makes us so guilty of being sinners. We need to repent. I tell you the truth there is a life after death. 😭Please believe the promises of Jesus, He loves us so much. Accept Jesus Christ with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and our strength. Jesus alone is the answer to our salvation, no one else. That is the last hope to obey the will of the Most High God. Accept Jesus as our savior, our king, our wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, and prince of peace because of the obedience of Jesus the Son of God, and His pure love for us, His redemption of mankind was fulfilled in the will of His God the Almighty Father, the creator of all. Fear God of His wrath. We need to have fear in God, we will keep His commandments. Shout to the whole world that we need to fear God with respect because if people don't have a fear of God, the entire world will be shaken even more. God has always knocked on our hearts reminding us that we have been given hope so that He can forgive us through His beloved His only Son. God the Father was hurt by sacrificing His only Son to give us another chance to be forgiven by Jesus Christ. Abraham was already made to feel that God was really hurt to sacrifice His only begotten Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of all mankind to keep people safe from harm when the time came when God would pour out His wrath on those who disobeyed Him. Fear God, the final judgment is near. Obey God's will. Follow God's commandments. Hell is not made for people, it is people's choice that they will perish. People chose to be deceived by Satan. God is always knocking on our hearts. God loves us so much. He does not want us to perish. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” That's the great love of the most-high God for us. Because of sin, we have a gap with God. Lord Jesus Christ was given the right by the Most-High God to be a bridge for us to communicate with God. Philippians 2:3-11 “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Let us obey the will of the Most-High God to accept His only Son to cleanse us of our sins so that we are worthy of God's holiness. No matter how big our sin is, it can be cleansed by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Repent Jesus is coming back
This hapenned yesterday? OMG and this storm is so bad and these disasters are bad too! :O
If it happens every year which it is now doing you cannot call it a once in a century storm You just call it a storm
Oh, look. Right on time. When the USA plays fuckery with YOUR weather, YOU find out. Better move to higher ground, oh wait the snow will get you then. No place to run, no place to hide.
Атеисты просыпаемся
What has Jesus got to do with it?
To avoid death by these punishments of God snowstorm floods lightnings tornadoes hurricanes more mag 7 earthquake tsunami volcano fires meteorite viruses Muslims to apply the Quran 100% and non-Muslims to convert to islam in Turkey in Us in the 6 continents 11/29/2023.
People, Jesus warned us of this in the Bible in Luke:
“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;
Glory to God! Jesus is coming soon! REPENT AND GET TO KNOW JESUS.
13:40 самые идеальные зрительские места, главное угадать с непогодой =)
Badai dan bencana ajar trusss jangan kasih ampun endorgen dan rakyatnya karna mereka sudah mengutuk
bangsa PILIHAN
dan juga terlalu sibuk mengrusin masalah israel atas palestine
PADAHAL dalam negara ada bangsa sendiri yang di JAJAH yaitu bangsa;KURDISTAN
😂👉🏼🇹🇷fake country with no alphabet
Accept the Lord Jesus Christ and be save and safe
အားလုံးဘေးကင်းကြပါစေမြတ်စွာဘုရား 😢 😢😢😢😢
It's was horrible prayers 🙏🙏🙏
Is this for real !!!
Мир идёт к своей погибели Потому что он развратился до основания ведь сатана не спит и дал всем игрушку интернет играть в игры которые развращают людей парнографию смотрят половина населения земли в том числе и дети ложь воровство мальчики хотят быть девочками и наоборот папа римский поддерживает однополые браки миротворец в кавычках и по причине умножения беззакония во многих охладела любовь Христос сказал что встанет народ на народ и царство на царство будут глады моры и землетрясение по местам Но есть ещё немного времени для покаяния нужно обратится к Христу Писанию и Закону в том числе и субботу это Его Печать а воскресенье начертание дьявола поклонение солнцу языческий праздник которого нет в Библии Христом мы спасаемся а судимся по Закону ибо Законом познаётся грех Кто имеет уши да слышит что Дух Святой говорит нам через Библию Думайте время коротко Ведь каждый даст ответ лично перед Богом за свои слова дела и даже мысли Думайте.
Sun it's me LINDI and nature is very upset from the Beasty people from Lucifer principal proCreation and they used my mind on Nuclear and Tammy srch and Mickey Braden said through my mind they stole matter for science to claim they are GOD
God is really pissed off at Turkey and other Countries.
There are too many people out and about in these video clips. With storms, you need to prep and hunker down and wait them out safely. Ensure vehicles are not in the way of flooding and potentially being crushed by trees, and anything that the wind can weaponize is secured. Do not travel in storms or floods unless it is a matter of life and death. Take storm weather warnings seriously, please.
God's angry against the false religious people, who believe in cleaning themselves physically and don't believe in the Precious Blood of Lord JESUS CHRIST, shed on the Cross as a final sacrifice to redeem the whole mankind from the angry of GOD, Who hates Sins.
Zdá sa,že tých klimatických katastrof,ktoré sa nejavia ako bežné, prirodzené je v poslednom čase po svete veľa.Naskyta sa otázka,či niektorý z vlastníkov klimatickej zbrane zv.H.A.A.R.P nezneuživa tento systém na trestanie"neposlušných" štátov klimatickými katastrofami či experimenty v prírode.
Когда семья переедет настанет мир на этой земле по Воле Хозяина.
Who are Jehovah’s enemies ?
Это кара божий за многочисленных геноцидов других народов. Толи ещо будет
As an Indian beholding the snow and storm and the hardships. I want to wish Happy Christmas and a Happy New year. Blessings to Europe!
Countdown to Babylon is Happening (channeled message incoming NOW, FULL FORCE)
Never ever point out GODS PEOPLE in your life .
People wake up. Return to the Almighty God. Return to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only way to GOD.
Middle East keep messing with ISRAEL, it will only get worse for you. GOD Bless Israel and Her Beautiful Jewish People.
Вам не кажется, что кто-то что то взорвал в космосе?!
Jesus 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 just wait