00:00:00 – Why Putin’s Navy Is Losing a Water War to Ukraine
00:21:39 – How Ukraine HUMILIATED Putin’s Navy
00:40:44 – Russia’s Massive Naval Problem
01:00:59 – Analyzing Russia’s Massive Failures in War Against Ukraine
01:24:07 – How Inferior Training is Killing Russian Pilots
01:41:35 – Why Putin Is STILL Running Out of Tanks
02:00:46 – Why Russia Can’t Stop US Weapons
02:19:27 – Is Ukraine About To Score a War-Winning Victory VS Russia?
02:38:13 – Putin Is In Big TROUBLE
Drone boats are the submarines of the 21st century.
goold videp ,the black sea sadly sounds like its getting toxic
Biden and NEOCONS are pushing PUTIN into a "USE THEM OR LOSE THEM" and the Commanders making moves on PUTIN limited military maneuvers into FULL ON NUCLEAR ATTACK.
1 Aircraft Carrier* surely 😛
please stop picturing the M777 artillery gun while calling it the Himars rocket system?!?!? they look nothing alike
The Moskva was a major threat in 1988 and the best answer to it by the West was a WW2 battleship retrofit with cruise missiles tubes and upgraded targeting system and a new electronic countermeasures system. The west used this until they built real purpose built missile destroyers that became technologically advanced of anything in the world. The Soviet Union built the Moskva and sense the Russian federation is so corrupt it can’t replace it let alone build another vessel that is capable of threatening the west
7:38 first it says the Neptune missiles were intercepted and nutralised by the Russians, then it says they had a common failure that prevented them from exploding … ??
Steal from me No no no no
You have to hand it to the Ukrainians, they are experts in drone technology. Their ability to destroy the Russian Black Sea fleet without a real traditional navy is highly impressive. They also found the Russian navy's soft spot, the inability to conduct air defense for Russian ships. Putin's worse decision was to limit his contact from other people to just the two or three yes men.
We've been hearing this same old story about Putin's inevitable defeat since the SMO began in 2022. Meanwhile Russia continues to gain territory and increase its presence while the ukrainians are floundering, hand outstretched for more western charity.
You are right about many things ,yes ,Russia is loosing the war,but they are far from out of their stocpiles of modern weaponry,they have been prepared for 20 year war if they have to,that is were the real test of the west is,will they support Ukraine for 20 years?i am pro EU Person but this is my real fear….
If a Russian fighter can drop a Khinzal hypersonic over the Caspian sea and have it hit an enemy ship in the Mediterranean 6 seconds later, what the point of a navy? Outdated, surely?
I love the story of them losing their winter uniforms just before it got really cold. They somehow misplace something like half a million or three-quarters can't remember. The world knows what happened. The guy in charge said he bought them but just pocketed the money. How can an army fight when the leaders are just as bad as the enemy?
Its not so much how old the warship is. More important is how the ship has been maintained. Many US ships have seen over 30 years service. The difference is US ships are well maintained.
Honestly I don't know why ppl think wars are over quickly. Once you start a war, it can go on for f**king years.
I find it incredibly ironic Russia's best air defense systems keep being destroyed by the weapons systems they were supposedly designed to combat. Conversely, Ukraine still has some much more effective air defense systems, i.e. Patriot still in use with few if any destroyed. Just another example of Russia's very poor military forces and equipment. There appears to be no limit on Putin's hypocrisy, irrationality, and brutality. The only part about this war that gives me pause is what will happen with Russia's nukes upon the eventually fated dissolution of the Russian Federation from within. I think the most idiotic move for Russia was starting this war in the first place. They were doomed to lose as their military is in reality one of the world's worse in just about every category. We were all very wrong about that. They are not even the best military in Ukraine. Conversely Ukraine is just better.
Russia is going down. Evil cannot survive. Putin will pay for his crimes and against his own people
Russia's tank losses have already doomed them to losing, not only the war, but to any future arms sales they might have hoped to gain. India was the first to realize that Russia was grossly overstating their weapons capabilities, their tanks reactive armor was hype, their 5th and 6th generation fighters were barely good 4th gen in reality, not to mention their amazing body armor capable of stopping .50 caliber rounds was just thick cardboard. I'd be surprised if anyone believed anything the Kremlin stated about weapons after their utter and complete failures have been exposed by Ukraine. My favorite new statement about Russia is, "They went from being the second strongest army in the world to the second strongest army in Ukraine." 😅😂🤣
Ukraine has strong potential in terms of military or civil engineering. We can hardly be surprised to see the new weapons systems that Ukrainian engineers are developing, not to mention the tactics of the Ukrainian military to blind Russian defenses.
Do Ukrainians use yards?
The lack of sea ports are Russia's eternal bane. It is now and always has been it's main goal to secure them. On the west, the exclave of Kaliningrad is the only ice free one. On the south the goal is the access to the Mediterranian sea, which needs the Black Sea and access through the Bosphorus.
It's what they want you to think
Wow, Putins theft of Russia, must be Bidens play book…🤔… Hmmmmm
It’s technically Russia vs nato nato is giving all their military stuff to Ukraine
Why are your sea drone measurements in yards? How long is a yard?
That bridge is running on borrowed time plus any other Russia ships
And a million reasons why it isn't.
3hrs no ty
Easy answer Russia is not out of ships
Russia did not seize anything from Ukraine. They STOLE from Ukraine.
Russia is super power "only in name" it's virtually useless.
Who is sponsoring these guys? At this point the amount of misinformation is so much it is not even funny
I think any show that ever represents crimea as a territory of the Government of Russia should be banned off. Youtube and not watched, crimea is not russian. Shame on you for giving Legitimacy to an illegitimate occupation
Nu shto "PUTKIE" I RUSKIM PYSDIEC!?NOKONIEC!!!!😂😢😅😂😢😮😂😢😮❤❤❤❤❤
Putin stealing money from the people and trying to support the military is just Stupid!!
It's pretty easy to do it. You made it sound way more complicated than you needed it to be. I guess you're wanting to dissuade some people. But it doesn't work that way. It's pretty easy economies is.
Pretty simple
You make money, you grow. You lose money, you die. People always want your products if you produce them
Captivating Russian naval anthology. I’ll suggest the Putin regime is partially coasting on the investments of the former USSR. I’d like also to comment that the Putin regime knows this and chooses imperialist land/resource theft as opposed to joining the 21st century and freeing the potential of its people as opposed to a petro state kleptocracy for an elite class of oligarchs. Russia had/has much potential. The Putin regime is stealing that future from the motherland and its inhabitants.
I think AI is going to change war also hmm
"And 1 Submarine"
That will never be unfunny.
I think it is just a matter of time before Ukraine marches on Moscow.
Once Ukraine gets US jet fighters it is likely to occur.
Mather mathermanics tell. Dave
3 hours 😮😍
Hand held Missiles have made tanks, ships and planes obsolete. China should take note invading Taiwan is likely to cause the loss of its navy and army unless troops are taught how to walk on water.
Not end of navy but Need for new tacttics strategdies and Technologies
I thought they took care of that navy already.