15 Scary Ghost Videos That Are Currently Terrifying Viewers
This original work of horror promises to keep you looking over your shoulder.
Inspired by r/nosleep, these scary videos will scare you in a way you’ll be begging for more.
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#scaryvideos #caughtoncamera #thehaunter
Worst flashlight ever lol i have a headband one that would light up that tunnel like you had your high beams on in car 😅
Twin paranormal u guys get a little excited 😂
#12 is FRANKOTV- NOT "Paranormal Adventures Zero"
You hit the bong when you edit these clips , bro ' ?
Where is the things head
the audio is effed up and not synced to the right video a few times
11:28 John went surfing 🏄♀️ forever. it’s not a ghost. It just rained hard last night and she hasn’t looked out the window to realise that her house is floating down the street. That’s why it’s important to always install headlights and blinkers to houses. And a good sound system. If you can afford one.
The first one with those Tattooed freaks I have to fast forward through! It just rubs me the wrong way watching those idiots yucking it up like that! How anyone can watch those clowns and not see just how fake they are is beyond me!
This video may be a little off , 😮
Fracko das ist ein dämon auf den Friedhof das sieht man an den schwarzen Schatten Gottes beschütze dich jesus cristus ist stärker unser Herr hat den Teufel besigt und die Welt viel glück und zeige keine Angst du weißt was du zu tun hast 🙏🏽 AMEN
Scary Ghost Videos Are Making Viewers Curious and Very Interesting😱
Those screams in the woods are the same tactics that Crawlers, Wendigos, & skinwalkers, use to lure their prey and victims, they know that a womans 👩🏻 screams will attract us, bcoz they’ve been watching us for god knows how long and somehow know our weaknesses…
The first one is so fake bhahahaha
Anything new?
I would be great to see some videos that aren’t 6 months old.
When he moved his hand in the direction as of then his shirt moves arm was covering the inside of his body mabey some trick string action mabey a fart I don't know but we will get to the bottom of this
All these "ghost hunters" should have 4K cameras with bigger brighter lights and not their cellphones in portrait viewing. Too pixelated, blurry, dark, fast-moving camera holding to really see what is really happening! One second view does not allow for seeing what anything is.
Million one dollar question @ 15:20, why? What's with this unhealthy fixation of spending the night on the floor of the forest woodlands wilderness, or going to places in general where humanity doesn't belong, generally! Like does these fools have a death wishes or something? Smdh! There can possibly be crazy wood folk stalking about in the woodlands, black and brown bears, grizzly bears, and mountain lion cougars prowling about! Does one think that it'll matter to a predatorial beast if they, of biped species have "survival training" or not, to that predatorial mountain lion cougar? Hells to the naw! Their fool behind will be as good as din-din, especially for the predatorial mountain lion cougars!
It just boggles the mind this fixation of jeopardize of well being in this way, is all. However, I digress, jeopardize of well being and livelihood is to one's own perogative, who am I to wearily observe with nail biting bated breathe?
The sound and descriptions are not synced properly, the video is 1 behind of the sound.
The more of these you watch the easier it becomes to figure out what might be genuine as opposed to fake. I believe in the existence of the paranormal but I don't jump to the conclusion that every sound or smell or unexplained occurrence is in fact paranormal.
Y'all really goofed on your videos & commentary mix up
Number 1. Definitely something in the tunnel. A dark shadow person. Awesome videos
Number 2. That’s weired
No 3. Captured a shadow person
4 why would he go exploring on his own. I never ghost hunt alone. Very unnerving.walking where you don’t know where you are going and what were those two eyes?
Something was in that tunnel. What were those eyes and a figure too.
Looks like someone is listening to the music. Looks like a a child dhost
Majority of ghosts are harmless
I would not go walking alone at night. I would take. Friend with me. Maybe it wanted to communicate with him
There are many Orns flying around in that house in Poland things flying around. Most definitely and the music box too. Great capture