Twin Paranormal encounter a cross roads demon in one of the most haunted ghost towns they have ever seen! They try to find out if the stories of shadow figures and negative entities are true all while discovering the secrets behind a murder that happened here many years ago. What they find is truly compelling and one of the scariest things they have ever done…
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About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and terrifying places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like The Conjuring House, the Devils Maze, Skinwalker cave, Waverly Hills, Skinwalker valley, the Haunted Hill House and more!
All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always terrifying and we can’t wait to share them with you.
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Twin Paranormal
#demon #overnight #haunted
Hello everyone 🖤 thank you for being here today! We love you all so much 🥹 please make sure you like this episode.
If you are new to this channel and you like what you see please consider subscribing and joining the family!
Thank you all again so much!
Where do can you get merch from ?
Wyatt got me concerned here ngl
Yo Wyatt…. You good my guy?
You boys need to go back, they are not finished talking with you.
Love your work. you are one of the few genuine investigators.
Haven't been able to get this watched and I'll probably fall asleep on it tonight cause it's really late….I just had to start with…you guys didn't bring a fiddle to save your soul..😂😂😂
Holy fuck I heard the disembodied hiss and stuff
Awesome episode ❤ thank you!!
32:28 the cloud face behind whyatt…ROCK ON DUDES….🖤🙏😈🏁👻👻👻XXX
it's unbelievable we are still not at or over 800k subscribers! you guys are so professional, i feel like you should have way over 1mil subs
this was insane! you have to come back and visit Mona once again. love yall <3 and all of the ghost gang <3
26:15 idk but i heard a faint high pitched "voice" or sound here
Good-bye, Twin Paranormal 💨👻👻
Hahaha that ritual that you guys know is to put a curse on someone
At time 9:30 it looks like ghostly figure in the door way
When is Taco Bell going to be one of your sponsors?
"pleased to mee you," hope you guess my name …🎶
Ok here’s the deal! You guys are literally THE BEST!
You’re all 3 very different and fun to watch. You’re each able to show different sides of yourself! We can connect easier!
The editing is spot on, not to processed or spliced to artificially quicken the tempo/pace. Good music on the front and back.
The intro of the location is done in VO (mostly) so we don’t ever see you struggle with the prologue.
Classy, respectful, on frequently (vs once a month) yeah, you guys are everything and check all the boxes.
You’re the only show I wait for/ Sun @ 11a / pacific!
You stay connected with us even when you’re ‘taking time off’.
I can’t see a flaw!
Thank you for working so hard! Thank you for caring!
Thank you for making your shows about discovery vs trying to prove to the few who don’t believe and won’t ever believe!
Thank You!!!!!❤️
Guys i think should team up with mindseed tv
WOW!! Ghost gang, this was amazing. Please go back
The best!!! And yes go back Mona is completely there and she is not shy with yinz three.
Btw please never change your ending music it goes so well and I look forward to it lol
What should do the overnight stay camping and Halloween
guys…congratulations, I'm new here and in a short time I'm amazed by your work, if you can answer me just one question….How are you protected from the influence of everything around you, how is that possible ??? Thank you for doing this, I wish you a lot of success, you are the best… Greetings from a small distant country… Serbia
Have to say my lady and I started to watch your channel. All 3 of you grew on us. You 3 are funny together. Wyatt is like another brother to you two. It’s a amazing with what you catch and I love how you piece what your app says together. I have watched every single one of your videos. Binged watched them. Lol Thanks for everything you 3 do. I love doing the Estes method myself. My lady’s Aunt lives in Nevada and has her own ghost gang. We go to Virginia City all the time because she knows everyone there. Anyways I can go on. I make devises and experiment a lot. Might have to make you one but will privately Instagram you so we can figure out how to get one to you.
You guys really are the best ❤
I am learning to use Telegram…I wanted to leave you a message to say thanks for inviting me to hit you up, a few days ago.
The real crossroads are in Mississippi.
Love you guys ❤ Can you guys try communicating to xxx tentation?
Sounds like that disease Ligma
Hi guys Teresa I really love your guyses video I've been watching for over 6 months now I really enjoy them I believe that Moana is being tortured and sometimes that's who you guys care when you hear screaming it's scary you guys keep up the good work and I love❤❤❤❤
Awesome video boyz had me glued to my fone. U defo ave t go bk t that place 4 sure. 👍🏻🙂❤️
Love the content if only one thing i would add is the SLS camera kinda will give you a point of reference
When you offered up blood, it said not enough because your blood and your flesh is not enough. It then replied, you are, because you who are "your soul" is the price to be paid. You ARE enough. Also, once you start a ritual, which you may have without knowing, you must finish it, or know how to essentially cancel it properly, or else… well, maybe nothing will happen, but that energy has to go somewhere.
I watch yall all the time.i thought yall were on the up and up.not like all the others
oh no not the ligma demon
What was the secret: 48:16 I was pregnat
Anyone knows the name of the song at the end?