In this emotional episode, our Bondi Vets go all out to give victims of animal abuse the love and care they deserve. Scott helps traumatised animals just rescued from the horrific dog meat trade; a badly injured dog is rushed into SASH after it was stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver, and Chris attempts to save a terrified cat thrown into the ocean to drown 😢 💔
Watch the original episodes these stories came from:
Cowardly dog attack – https://youtu.be/RN2xL28rEag
South Korean dog meat farm rescue – https://youtu.be/npThsCMOHfE
Cat dumped in an ocean – https://youtu.be/ds_kauhNVJc
Caged hen rescue – https://youtu.be/oeevq20w1qk
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#BondiVet #Compilation
Feel better Juice babyboy. Those cruel people need to be thrown under the jail. Juice lost his eye beause of two evil people.😢
I wonder how many dogs been injured because of domestic violence. Like Juice. I don't trust Todd.
Tolle Mann und tolle Arzt! Ich wollte auch so paar Hühner noch in mein Leben hallten! Leider ist mir nicht gelungen!
Glückliche Hühner leben in ein winzige Käfig mit Gitterboden?? Weche Eiern soll ich Jetzt kaufen, wann alles nur ein Lüge ist?
I wonder if seeing someone of the same culture and looks of the people who hurt him and abused him , now being loved and treated right by someone who looks like them I wonder if that helps him at all .
The first thing I want to say is I effing hate people but then again there's the other people out there as well that are absolutely BRILLIANT!!
My Lab was like this. He was able to Love ❤️ his people after several weeks of giving him the space he needed. He never liked strangers, there was an introduction process.
😢😢 Some people, well….
Those little beautiful girls look eggactly like their beautiful mother.
😭😭😭😭😭😭شكرا للقلوب الرحيمه ❤❤❤❤
no no no 😢
i’m sorry
Justice for Juice!
I cried and heart broken for what the monsters did to Juice he is such a beautiful and sweet baby dog, so glad he is alive, thank you vet docs, be well Juice❤🐕
Also the dogs in the video have shown everything they seen the body language they wont attack but run instead and their eyes are what they feel mostly definitely in shock
The noise he’s making he’s definitely in shock and nervous
Give him a lot of loves and make sure he is kept inside so nothing like this will happen
What breed is Mocha
At this juice was so happy 12:13
Justice for juice
Poor Juice, he was so innocent! So happy there are still good humans in this world!
This reminds me of when someones dog attacked my young girl Bella and Lily
So my mom and father were walking with our dogs and a pitbull went straight for Lily but then Bella took the attack now we don’t know what happened to her ( Bella)
I just wish some UK group could help Animal Rescue Center LiuLi in Harbin China
Chắc do nghịch ngợm,báo quá mà phải ko????? Nhưng lý do tại sao bé lại trở nên bị như thế vậy??? Ai biết dịch và trả lời lại giúp tớ biết nhé_ cảm ơn các bạn nhé_ok!!!_❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hãy cho biết lý do tại sao 2 mắt của bé cún lại bị như thế vậy cả nhà??? Có ai biết nguyên nhân chính xác là tại sao ko vậy??? Thương bé cún quá_-_❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The dog at start about a make me cry
Can't begin to understand the person who could harm animals, I snuggle tight to my adopted pup and focus on the amazing helpers in this world
I got a rescue dog and he was really scared because he was used by hare corsers and beaten and he’s lovely but scared of everything even paper
I hope that the person who hurt juice gets arrested for 6 years poor baby🥺
My dog has one eye missing because he got infected, and the other eye is getting more blinder
I know it's not the same. I had a Jack Russell i rescued him from harm from my late aunt! Bow was ill-treated and tormented he had one eye and one leg
I really hate people