4 Scariest Moments In Ghost Adventurers History

Spread The Viralist

4 Scariest Moments In Ghost Adventurers History


Narrated by Marlar House

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About the Author: Dark Matter


  1. No matter how hard you try to film something Paranormal you won't. You can try but it happens when you least expect it. Last year my grandmother had passed and my mother and I were working on their house. I was the only one there majority of the time working. My aunt had passed in the house decade ago. One of the little kids years ago was talking and laughing and when my cousin ask who he was talking to he said my aunts name. Weird but I didn't think of it. So I put new bulbs in ever ceiling fan and whenever I walked in a room one of the lights would flicker. Now I've had demonic experiences in dreams and it's always darkness coming to me and I'm fighting to keep lights on but they die. So it doesn't sit well with me. Anyways I was there for about 6 weeks every other day n the lights upstairs in their rooms would flicker and I would brush it off. Well towards the last week my uncle and I were alone there and I noticed the lights upstairs doing it again. I came downstairs where my uncle was sitting in the kitchen and right as I stood under the foyer light I told my uncle what I was experiencing the last few weeks as soon as he rolled his eyes the light started flickering really fast. Never did it at all ever in my life but then it died both bulbs died. Turned it on nothing so put brandnew bulbs and they worked flickered n died again. Waited a few minutes turned it on and they were fine. Until I mentioned about my grandparents and it did it again flickering on and off. I've had a few experiences in my life with activity and premonitions that I can't explain but know they're real. Anyways my point being Zac is bogus and fake.

  2. You know this show is not fake……they investigated a popular restaurant in NM that i been to a few times and it is WELL known for being haunted and experienced it myself once ….my fork was thrown off the table while me and my lady were waiting for our food…. we looked at eachother like "that just happened " people next to us noticed as well…..

  3. I'm certain the producers are faking things behind the scenes unknown to the crew, but Zak needs the attention so he ALWAYS has something happen to him mentally or something happens 'off camera'.

  4. this is why i rather watch buzzfeed unsolved. idk if those guys in the first clip would actually act they being strangled if no one told them the stories of someone being choked, and with all those cameras no one caught a video of that guy allegedly being "thrown". thats bs

  5. “Something is choking me, man!”

    Me: Bruhhh, why you choking yourself in the sexual way, not in the “strangled” way…..

    Zac:…..well, this is awkward…..

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