This broadcast was recorded live and includes a live Q&A session. It features wildlife filmed on the Yorkshire Wolds during a freezing cold snap. If you are a regular on my channel some of the animals featured will be familiar to you.
To support my channel and the wildlife rehabilitation and conservation work I do, please donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A52ZHAMJZC3J4
The landscape up here in Thixendale on the Yorkshire Wolds is stunning, especially after snow fall. As you can see from this drone footage, we are surrounded by flat, arable fields cut through with dramatic, deep valleys.
Temperatures dropped to -13 degrees centigrade last night and although the sun is out today and scenery looks very beautiful, it is tough for these animals to find enough food to survive.
There has been snow on the ground for about a week now and the voles, worms and small mammals the owls need to survive are hidden under deep drifts. The owls need to be a healthy weight to survive the breeding season ahead so I’ve been putting food out for them and if you watch my live streams you’ll see it’s been extra busy here at night.
Chester is roughly seven months old now and is one of my ‘rescue’ weasels. He lives in an outdoor enclosure which is currently covered in at least a foot of snow. Just look at him popping in and out of the drifts!
The stoats seem to love playing in snow. Watch this male stoat explore my children’s climbing frame and skate briefly across the frozen water on their paddling pool.
I have a new camera set up at Ash Wood and already three buzzards have begun feeding here. So far they don’t seem to mind the cameras which is really good because these birds can be very shy. These buzzards are two years old now. I know this from the pattern of their feathers and I will be describing how to age a buzzard on a future film, once I have some clearer images to show you.
There’s no question about it, despite the cold, the wildlife loves the snow just as much as we do. For more clips of creatures playing in snow fall, watch this: https://youtu.be/9jv6ueN1rww
#animalsinsnow #winterwildlife #weasels
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I am a British wildlife artist based in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, UK. I build ideal habitats to encourage wildlife into my garden and use nest cams to study their behaviour. These studies inform my paintings. I share the best of my video research on this channel for free. If you would like to support my work please consider a small donation here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A52ZHAMJZC3J4
Or of course you may like to purchase my artwork which you will find on my website: https://www.robertefuller.com. Many of the paintings are portraits of the creatures you watch here!
© Robert E Fuller
I hope you've enjoyed the video!
Learn more about animals & wildlife: https://bit.ly/3rLeIlc
Read my blog: https://www.robertefuller.com/diary/
Shop my winter wildlife artwork: https://www.robertefuller.com/product-tag/winter/
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Maaaan, I'm tired of Florida, I wanna roll around in all this beautiful snow 💖💖💖
Great video – nothing better than untouched nature with amazing animals 🥰
I live quite rural here in Germany with my cats 😊! And sometimes I am being visited by martens and racoons and I love it 🥰 (and they love the catfood 😉)! I just have to make sure that I do not mention it to the wrong people (hunters)….
Even though people in cities might have more places to go… I would not want to swap places with them 😊
Do you owned all the lands you do set up homes at in for stoats and owls and kestrels and others or do farmers gived to you permissions for that and cameras and stuff?
Hi Robert, wonderful video footage of thixendale and the wildlife you have about your home. Q – I have a couple of little owls who roost in an old fir tree a few gardens up from me, but only come out to look for food once it's dark. Tend to see them in my two apple trees late at night. Wondered if there is any recommendation of what to feed them during these difficult times, or leave to fend for themselves in the fields behind my garden? Have had a tawny owl in the trees too. Thanks. Mal Austwick, Tadcaster, North Yorks.
How old is Chester?
Wait a sec… hold on… This the channel of the man who loves the owls…
You're documenting the daily life of thier food….?
This guy should do wildlife ASMR
Watching you on the one show cool 😎
Is a polecat the same as a North American skunk?
What a spectacular location! Gorgeous landscape!
Yes, this looks like a hawk. In US, a buzzard is more like a condor or vulture… ?
you call it a buzzard. odd, looks like a Kestral so different from what we call a buzzard here. A buzzard here in the US is like a turkey buzzard.
Simply very beautiful nature behind you. You are one of great People who always try to save this extremely beautiful Nature.
Had a local breeding pair up in Fife of buzzards, their noises are so cute, but hearing their young in the tree by my bedroom was amazing.
this is so cool
WOW…..love the drone footage what a marvellous landscape…..Chester has been every active….love to see him explore.The snow for me just adds so much to the wildlife footage.Keep up the great work guys.🤗🤗