The New Horrors of the Cryptid Iceberg

The New Horrors of the Cryptid Iceberg
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DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes. The events described and shown are historically/artistically significant and the content should be treated as a comprehensive recollection/analysis of events. The actions mentioned are in no way condoned or acceptable to myself or those who featured in the creation of this video. Any events or images depicted are artificial and in no way condone behavior of similar category. Please view responsibly, viewer discretion is advised.

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  1. yea I agree tasmanian tiger is not a cryptid. since its just a real life animal.
    a real life animal cannot be a cryptid since its a real life animal.
    nothing cryptid about it.
    its as if someone found bigfoot. it would stop being a cryptid too cos it exists.

  2. @13:03 ….I once threw a Lazy Boy recliner off that mountain peak in the background…theres a road up to the top for viewing, we took it up there in a pickup truck , local kids used to also hit golf balls off the summit ,much to the townsfolks dismay šŸ˜‚Gaints Head Mountain in Summerland BCšŸ˜‚

  3. Look Iā€™m not going to lie. Iā€™m a sea/lake monster nerd. Initially your placement of them was KILLING me. But after a bit, I realised that the greatest thing about this is that you and I can both be into cryptids, but independently be interested in such different aspects of them. Thatā€™s cool.

  4. ā€œTake your cat dog back to the McDonaldā€™s PlayPlace, the adults are talkingā€ Best phrase Iā€™ve heard šŸ¤£ I canā€™t wait to say this to my family. Love you Wendigoon! ā¤ā¤

  5. So I paused the video on the cryptid, so I donā€™t know if he makes the joke or not.

    But when he said lizard man I was HOPING he showed an image of Mark Zuckerberg

  6. I lived near Lee county SC. It was made up by an acquaintance of my step-mother to promote his business or something like that.
    Edit: Iā€™m talking about the lizard man btw

  7. i hope the thylacine did not truly die out because id love to see one recorded in the wild and it would be happy news for everyone if such a cool creature is still around. it may not be the "coolest" cryptid but its more plausible then most and id say its still an exciting topic worth talking about. although i absolutely appreciate the subjectivity of your list, hoping you some day make thylacine at least a D rank though.

  8. Howtf can you not pronounce words right and your a multi million subscriber channel ā€¦ dude itā€™s thigh low zine period end of discussion, itā€™s lake Champlain , not shamplain and you donā€™t even correct yourself ā€¦ smh

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