From an eerie video that might show a ghost in a cemetery to scary footage of a possible paranormal entity caught on camera, this eerie video is dividing viewers. #Eerie #Scary #SlappedHam
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7. que alguien confirme si vio algo de esto, fue en el cementerio de lanus !!!! https://www.tiktok.com/@nico.asman/video/7201273007107575046
6. scaryexposed https://www.tiktok.com/@scaryexposed/video/7295477543837207840
5. This picture belongs to Patricia Cross, this is what she said….. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=663376339273335
4. look at the window, please tell us your thoughts 😱 https://www.tiktok.com/@dj_hillier/video/7299957305934662942
3. Second Mexico UFO Hearing – English Translation https://www.youtube.com/live/s8daU96uTXw?si=fPn14DqkK4gIVJlA
2. scaryexposed https://www.tiktok.com/@scaryexposed/video/7292235183007255840
scaryexposed https://www.tiktok.com/@scaryexposed/video/7297351263832902945
1. Neil
Shallow Dreams
Muffled Thunder
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Weird stuff the alien mummies are interesting
Why leave your child after you saw someone at the window and plus they was letting the window up..not acting slow
#4. Unidentified figure. Ok so let me get this straight. You’re home and see someone peering in your window and decide it’s a good idea to confront this person. No weapon and recording on your phone. This is definitely real. 😒
First video is a Spanish "Karen"
She's actually could be a girl who is actually a paid for her performance on wires
#6 Freaky Sighting is actually the scariest thing ever, real life or maybe fake is actually the best. It's probably made out of sheets, wires, etc. It would actually give people nightmares even if it's actually unreal event.
I hope they move the child's bed away from the window
The picture of the waterfall, looks like its a picture of a tree stump.
The thumbnail is just from a game where you find entities or objects not in place,so you find it and press which type of entity is that.
Being surrounded by the paranormal and supernatural my entire life of 54 years.
I am disgusted by fake videos.
I have no proof, but that is ok with me.
Those who fake videos as actual experiance shoud be ashamed.
That lady with long arms really creeped me
#1:41 I wish that people filming could keep focus on the subject they're filming. This one is more irritating than spooky!!!
I used to get exasperated with "fake"videos. Even moreso with the onset of deepfakes, CGI and AI-manipulated footage.
Finally, I settled on an interesting approach. So-called fake videos are sometimes very well done, clouding the distinction between true paranormal and untrue. Each video presents a fantastic opportunity to develop and improve something within every human being, namely, intuition.
Most women have a keener intuitive sense, as do very young children. Each video gives all viewers a chance to become better aquainted with their inherent intuitive sense.
This is a part if our evolution and is to be embraced. Welcome each Slapped Ham video for this opportunity. Your refined intuition may, one day, save a life.
the guy peering through the window ran the other way obviously and you could even see that.
This video is not as good as others. What happened?
2:58 A skinwalker witch mixed with an alien sasquatch baby in it
You're going to ruin this channel! 99% of tik tok videos are fake garbage made by feckless turds! If this continues I'm out. I know you don't care and that's fine. DO BETTER
The weirdo in the kitchens name. Is MRS STRETCH ARMSTRONG
I just wanted to see moms long arms. Yep. She had long arms.
Going to unsubscribe😂
Stop posting this crap. This channel seems to get more ridiculous with every new video.
Like and shared out in you tube community awesome stuff 👏.
Calem hope you are well I just wanted to tell you it the seventh day of Dec 750 at night I live in Gympie and took my dog out for a pre and when I do I often look to the stars I swear I just saw a UFO typical triangle go right over us it had faded lights at each corner I didn't no who else to tell so if anybody else sees it heading south along pasific I no wot there talking about I'm still buzzing never did I think I would see something like that take care peace and love mark