I experienced a profound near-death experience during college, and this experience guided me to teach overseas, in public schools, and at the college level. My book is titled Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation. I love hearing from readers. The memoir is available as a paperback, e-book and Audible.
Audible link: https://www.audible.com/pd/Angels-in-the-OR-Audiobook/B07QGGSCNP
I would love to stay in touch with you on social media or meet you in spiritual community or for a reading. Here are my links. My website has a calendar for healings/readings.
Website: https://triciabarkernde.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TriciaBarkerNDE/?pnref=lhc
Instagram: @triciabarkerangelcommunicator
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TriciaTeacher
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tricia-barker-44953b21/
X (Formerly Twitter): @TriciaTeacher
Link to Meditation, Healing, and Spiritual Community
Link to my Intuitive Writing Course https://www.globalascension.network/offers/qPFQn9bA/checkout
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I don’t know if this is true for you, Tricia, but forgiveness is the realization that I have become the person that I most needed when I was a child and young adult.
There is a measure of accountability, a measure of discipline and even punishment. Spare the Rod and spoil the child. Has been replaced with children running the parents and hitting and beating them, threatening them…. They go to kindergarten and taught by “Adults still in progress 😂” that they aren’t a girl their a boy.
I think we all ought to be taught to be accountable, especially early on , with proper love and instruction. As a kid 9-10 I was shopping with my mother and I stole something out of the store , I think a bag of little army men. She saw I had it in the car and made me take it in and apologize. Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they get older they won’t depart. I turned out to never steal. People never have a problem forgiving themselves 😂 especially over youthful vanity. They always have a problem holding themselves accountable so they can be a responsible person. Maybe I’m just too intertwined with HolySpirit and The Living Word and the flawlessness of Jesus’s instructing to buy into anything else than Pure Reality.
I really like Shaun's metaphor of the toddler walking into a wall. We are all making mistakes as we grow, the important thing is to learn from those mistakes and improve ourselves.