🛑 Submit your clips: https://forms.gle/7LKzTdvHwnmZmZ439
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@gmail.com
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. Mal Mamu – https://youtu.be/-99GVw1nugo — Road rage on New Jersey highway. What did I do bruh? #brakecheck #littering #waterbottle #roadrage ( New Jersey )
2. Cat – — ( Bedford, IN )
3. FredrikBlastel – https://youtu.be/6IY2lVnKZ3E — karen number 1 ( )
4. SeeBSnews – https://youtu.be/FoIgLAdPRV8 — Dash Cam ( West Plains, Missouri )
5. busta – — ( Alameda, CA )
6. u/A1958PlymouthFury – — Weaving like he’s trying to make a basket. [oc] ( Idaho, USA )
7. Schmeat – — ( Michigan )
8. Joven – — ( Coachella, CA )
9. Anonymous – — ( San Jose, CA )
10. Anonymous – — ( )
Anonymous – — ( NORWALK CALIFORNIA )
11. 1juan1969 – — ( Myrtle Beach, SC )
12. NoStoppingSF – https://youtu.be/i-KSathd6SY — Hit and Run Dash cam Footage – Illegal Turn Hits My Car! ( Foster City, CA )
13. Phil N – https://youtu.be/-dNlY8jJNYk — Amazon totaled parked car !!!! ( )
14. Algerian in Canada – https://youtu.be/gDdbol55f08 — Car Crash Laval Vimont Quebec ( Vimont Quebec )
15. Paul Marx – https://youtu.be/MbEG-uFI5rk — EVT 2023 11 29 16 40 11 R ( )
Paul Marx – https://youtu.be/xWQgg8lM8_c — EVT 2023 11 29 16 40 11 F ( )
16. Chris Miller – https://youtu.be/PCxJdlBkryA — FILE231202 072205F accident ( Lewisville, TX )
17. MrRoberts1782 – https://youtu.be/1OEIHiyNpvs — car accident ( Chicago IL )
18. Anonymous – — ( Seattle, WA )
19. Christini – — ( Syracuse, NY )
20. Michael McKay – https://youtu.be/BzbQ4jdMBHo — Fender bender at school ( Beaverton, Oregon )
⚫ My socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dashcamlessons/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dashcamlessons
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country – Ben Bostick
Howdy guys?
3:55 no one else thought this guy was a jerk driver? Just me? Lol. It looked like a regular car turning right that just let a truck out, albeit very unsafely, but then cammer sees all that and just drives oo towards it without slowing down or shit. Like, use your brakes before you cause an accident dude.
#8 Another moron that speeds up simply to honk at someone
#3 Stop being a donkey. He was already in the lane, u-turn or not.
#2 Why did you speed up just to block him? Seriously. Just let him over. You all have to get into one lane. You're not going to get there any sooner.
0:50 BS You had no intention of letting them in, signal or not.
#12 I’ve had to make a wide turn like that into one of those turn lanes to as to avoid the curb but this trucker looks like he made a last minute decision and didn’t look at his mirrors or signal so yeah it’s on him.
Clip 2 – cammer has issues. Truck was ahead of the cammer and should be allowed to zipper merge.
0:47 "What's your *** problem???" maybe the fact you deliberately sped up so he couldn't merge in? "if he would have used a turn signal i would have allowed him to merge" — no you wouldn't have, you were being a huge jerk.
That was a mandatory merge. Signal wasn't needed.
in the second video, the cammer is the idiot. He doesn't know how to zipper merge
#4 That's ridiculous
#6 Classic douche
#17 Whatdaya know…. An accident caused by 2 people trying to beat the red. That's new.
Clown sits on his horn for 5 minutes and has the nerve to call the other drivers "Karen." SMFH
One of these things that bother me about some of these videos is why is it more important to be right rather than make the safe decision if you have time to. You're still in the right but is it worth your safety is my question
1:40 Leaves space for someone to get over, gets mad, speeds up and tries to block them from changing lanes 🤡 YEAAAA I would have slammed on my brakes if you laid on your horn like that with me. Idc if I was in the wrong or not, excessive honking is fucking annoying
0:42 ma’am…. YOU’RE the problem… learn how zipper merges work.
Ok but it's also illegal to enter an intersection unless you can clear it without stopping. Which means the left turning car shouldn't have been there in the first place.
But all that aside, it still doesn't absolve that driver of the duty to yield to oncoming traffic when making a left turn.
I will always stand by my opinion that Amazon drivers are the assholes that even Dominos wont trust to deliver a damn pizza.
#4 Come on it get, the explorer should have used a blinker but the horn?
To the people who hold the horn down for a hour. Don’t upload you clips we don’t wanna see anymore