Welcome to the eerie world of Dread Captures, a Trail Cam channel, where the woods hold secrets and the unknown lurks in the shadows. Our cameras, strategically placed in the most secluded corners of the wilderness, have captured on cam the most chilling scares and strange things on trail cam you’ve ever seen.
Immerse yourself in a collection of trail cam videos that unveil the mysterious and the unexplainable. From scary encounters in the dead of night to the most cryptic creatures caught on camera, our footage is not for the faint of heart.
Delve into the depths of the unknown with our “Captured on Trail Cam” series, showcasing a range of mysterious videos from around the internet, including those caught on security cam, caught on ring cam, and, of course, our specialized trail cameras.
This is your go-to destination for the most compelling dogman encounters, the latest bigfoot documentary 2023 updates, and nerve-wracking cryptid stories that will challenge your perception of reality. Each video is a piece of the puzzle in our quest to understand the dark and mysterious entities that roam out of sight.
Our “Dread Captures” segment highlights the most creepy videos and eerie trail camera footage, presenting you with visual enigmas that defy explanation. From sasquatch sightings to the inexplicably bizarre, every piece of trail camera footage promises a glimpse into the extraordinary.
Join us on this journey into the heart of darkness and explore scary videos that will leave you questioning what truly lies beyond the beaten path. Whether it’s the inexplicable, the supernatural, or the simply terrifying, our trail camera videos are here to unveil the truth.
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In this video we explore some very creepy and strange captures on trail cams.
Dread Captures is dedicated to bringing you strange and weird encounters caught on trailcam. We post new videos every week so make sure to subscribe!
Weird and strange things happen all the time, but sometimes they’re captured on camera for the world to see. That’s what Dread Captures is all about. Videos of strange and weird encounters that have been caught on trailcam.
#trailcam #donovandread #caughtontrailcam
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Email: Stories@dread.army
Music by Co.AG
The video with the Bigfoot smashing the with a branch and then throwing it at the camera positive at 1 minute 17 seconds you can clearly see it's a guy
You and all other channels always play the same videos over and over. Can't we see some new stuff?
BFRO …Is a joke . Their goal is to get sponsors to spend money~ get views to find evidence we already have !
51:47 I hate those videos that are like "oh look, a pair of eyes in the dark. Must be supernatural." Dude, you just gave a speech about using common sense and a discerning eye and then you put this? 🤨That could literally be just about anything- a bear, poking its head up over whatever that structure or perhaps something like a raccoon, possum or even a stray cat thats actually jumped on top of that structure. Based on the size, reflective color, & spacing, my guess is Raccoon but none of those animals would be unusual to see near a campsite. And people who feel watched, probably are… by hungry forest critters looking for food. If a raccoon or whatever strolled through your house, you'd look at it too
Ibex 😊 Goat I think its a Jet At 5😂.5 was a mask very popular ma sk of a scarycrow.
The little girl, at the pool party, Clearly steps behind the pole as she is walking in that direction. White dresses are still in fashion too.
The man , Roger , who tripped over the rock . In Nordic belief there are beings called "land wights". These beings are earth bound and live within and or around rocks and in areas where rock or stone structures. The lore is simple these beings should be asked, respectfully for permission, before moving or disturbing rocks or stones , big or small.
Regarding the clip featuring the African wild dogs – the animals on the rocks are not goats like you said, they are a small species of antelope called Klipspringers
I live in Las Vegas and I remember this happening and it was real
The mexican kids with "aliens" is just stupid mexican kids who had never seen or heard of a meteorite , you know hes liying strictly because black and black adjacent ppl are real big into conspiracy theory atm and they just realized that sleep paralysis is. Its like seeing all the "illuminati" symbolism in hiphop music / Black and black adjacent people latch on to anything they deem "deep " or "woke"
Not sure what is happening with this channel. Not wasting my data on stuff we have seen multiple times. Appreciate the effort. Maybe 2024 will be back to better content.
Whats that squar light in the sky in the tornado clip
The scream was Goats
I can picture beings that are ousted for bad behavior from their society and forced to go to where the crazy hoomans live
When is the Aliens going to finally physically going to introduce themselves. They've been rockin' with us for a hot minute. Make it hap'n Cap'n!😅
12:14 skunk ape
A cinnamon bear is a common black bear that is brown colored sometimes they get a little blond, to me that one was cinnamon and looked like it just grew some extra long hair over the winter.
На основе новой науки о четырех элементах, я открыл истину этих существ. Бог Творец сотворил два вида высших живых существ на Земле и это человечество и эти существа. Человечество и эти существа были сотворены на противовес друг к другу. Противовес между человечеством и этими существами заключается в объемах физиологических сил. Перед Богом Творцом по своим значениям эти существа занимают первое место а человек занимает второе место. Эти существа реальные, живые и земные как мы с вами. До грехопадении на Земле, эти существа держали в ровновесии весь человеческий род. Эти существа владеют самым мощным гипнотической силой на Земле и у этих существ самая высокая чувствительность. На основе своего открытия, я смог контактировать с одним из этих существ и смог позвать его в свой дом.
Я сам себе доказал, что мое открытие абсолютная истина и все это было зафиксировано в газетной статье двумя корреспондентами.
Чтобы иметь дело с этими существами, человек должен быть истино верующим, должен знать новую науку четырех элементов и должен знать истину этих существ.
В ближайшее будущее я позову одного из этих существ в свой дом и покажу вам.
Those are mountain goats and what looks like hyenas
Columbia security guard: Spaz…
Yea, its repeats..ffs!!
However the two brothers who saw 8-10ft beings..ARE READING FROM A SCRIPT..!!
Its all to do with the great plan, guys
Id say Justin is a great actor and its a hoax because its really convenient that he got absolute perfect image of 5hat arm sliding behind a tree on his channel what better way to create buzz and views on a channel about installing rear view lights, i can't see a car maintenance channel gathering millions of subscribers n views but throw in a bit of a twist and its gonna get more views especially after not even acknowledging it for nearly a month when its pretty east to see.
Flying squirrel.
The time traveller story from kiev reminds me to ask. What are nato and russia really at war over??
Lizards jump I know because I’m an old cowboy and I’ve had lots of them jump on me
The creature is called a fairy they existed with the Giants in the old day of renown genesis six we do not have aliens we have demons, and that’s all they are and we are in the last days. This is the last generation according to the book of revelations.
Roger never bury your wife in the flower bed, rolling an ankle is a bastard
Duh, of cource lizzards don't jump. They leap. LEAPPIN LIZZARDS
@29:27 he cursed, stated "f that guy, but in Spanish…" 🫢
22:00 Those are dik dik and are species of antelope.
26:03 Jonny Depps's version of the headless horseman, Sleepy Hollow… Paraphrasing over here, "I am here to prove there is a human culprit commiting these murders…" 😁🐉🐲🇺🇲
The fairy footage was not faked. It actually made the news in the area it was filmed and apparently that area is known for sightings of fairies.
I have zero doubt that they, along with many others we have been told were fairytales, are in fact real creatures. Now that everyone has a good camera in the palm of their hands, these things are recorded more than ever.
Lastly, the man making music in the forest; the tallest of the two forms in the background, as much as it pains me to say this, looks like what we have been told the “Slender Man” entity looks like. It looks like a very tall, very thin, person in a black suit/shirt. I clearly see the torso and arms of the individual but no head or hands or legs.
Normally I wouldn’t mention this but it looked so clear that I am curious if anyone else might notice the same thing?
Thank you for another good video. Best channel of its kind. 🙏🏻
Why would an older man cause himself to fall down?🙄 Come on people. Some things are just unexplained period Cops more than likely heard a big cat like a mountain lion. Who knows🤷
41.24. Kid wrapped in a towel moved out of shot wham camera panned back over.
Bigfoot would look like someone dressed up as BIGFOOT.