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The viral video shows an airplane gangway at an almost deserted airport, believed to be in Phuket, Thailand.
As the camera zooms in, it becomes clear there are shadowy figures running along the passageway.
But with no airplane in sight and the gangway – suspended in the air – connected to nothing, it is a mystery where the passengers have come from.
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It's always the low-quality video. Technology now includes night vision cameras, 4K/8K cameras, and extremely powerful night modes in commercial phones. Yet, no one has ever captured high-definition paranormal activity.
Residual energy!
anyone know what year this footage was recorded?
It was just a reflection from the other aero bridge that the guy eas recording from ( found this in an article) the guy recording said in the article and I qoute
"After I landed the plane, I saw the an aerobridge parallel to my flight. That aerobridge’s lights were turned off so the glass reflected the shadows of my plane’s aerobridge, which had lights on and people walking through it.”
“I rarely see this. So I took a video"
The souls of plane crash victims
Those are spirits that left an imprint here on earth and you can see thru them clear as day one one my favorite ghost videos
Looks like a plane was deplaned remotely and the passengers where dropped off by that van on the bottom and the video started recording when all the passengers where already there on top of the jet bridge of which they where dropped off from the van on the bottom. This probably occurred multiple times and the person filming knew the routine and decided to record the event out of context for everyone to be left confused.
That was my first reaction too. Seems to be gliding, not just walking and without moving their arms..
When we die. Our soul remains here on earth. The judgement will come when the world ends. Normally if our relatives die we can see them in our dreams or in physical form but not totally in physical but can recognise them as them. If we dream of them it means they watching you while sleeping. They have no minds at all but soul to recognize only the things they do will still remains as they do or the last part of the action that they do will appear. I believe in ghosts not because only written in bible but being experience it when I was a child until now. You can recognise them sure but no exact face just a faded one.
If this scene is in Thailand maybe can consider the last scene which a loop of soul. Thai Airways International Flight 261 where 101 passenger died on a plane crash Dec 11, 1998.
Maybe, their plane has some kind of transparent powdered defraction cloak?
The plane is invisible.
This truly freaks me out!!!
Ghost passengers of missing flight MH370
This video is not real. I’m looking at the activity on the bottom left screen as you can see the cart go by. It seems to also disappear at the end of the frame so I believe this is a special affect. We can debunk this video it’s not real.
Nah. That image was copied and pasted to a different piece of equipment. You can look up the airport and that is not suspended In mid air.
Probably some high quality cgi, but I kinda hope not
i thought ghost suppose to be floating and not walking
Zoom in on them and slow down the video if you really want to freak out. Some of them a severely contorted and hunched over wearing hospital gowns. Look at how their heads are close to the ceiling meaning they are floating. Some look to be missing limbs and covered in blood. Some wearing night gowns all the way to the ground. None are carrying any bags they all look and move very strange.
Not to mention, look at how fast they are moving. Regular people do not move this fast especially the one's that appear old and hunched over.
The person who film this was the pilot on the plane.
It is edited video of ther airport Sam looking terminal at night
they mistakenly gone there , waited for plane , then announcement said that thats not the right row for plane 😅 they hurry up and ran towards right row 😅 whats creepy
But look at those people… They seriously look the same and they don't look like common travellers. Just see carefully how's that possible?
Are these the passengers from MH370 Malaysian Airlines?
I believe that lady on the plane that went viral in Texas I did a tarot Card Reading and the lady wasn't seeking attention think about the ppl who lost they lives on a plane soon you Gone start seeing on the news plane are crashing or malfunctioning or more spirits flights might go back to no flying