Daniel Wants To KILL Ryan | Coronation Street

Daniel Wants To KILL Ryan | Coronation Street
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Daniel finds out about Daisy’s affair with Ryan and is furious. He heads out to track Ryan down.
From episode 11129 broadcast on 06.12.2023

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  1. I find it interesting how upset people get at these situations . Hate this person or that person. Daisey is so horrible , yada yada yada. Myself included. Lets face it, if it was not for this horrible stuff and those who annoy us, we would never watch. Imagine a show where everyone got along, nobody lied , killed or cheated. It would be a show that nobody would watch.

  2. Does Daniel look alright to you Ryan. He only just found out about you and Daisy sleeping together via a video recording of you explaining how you still have feelings for Daisy. Daniel watched the whole video recording of it and now he wants to kill you. And you think Justin was the only one coming between Daniel and Daisy's relationship. And now that Justin is no longer around you Ryan thinks that you can swoop in and finish what Justin didn't finish doing to Daisy. You took full advantage of the problems Daniel and Daisy were having since the Rovers closed up business. Daisy no longer has a job she enjoyed having working behind the Rovers bar with Jenny,Sean and Gemma who also has no job either. Since the closing of the Rovers there is no pub for local Street residents to drink, mingle and have fun playing darts or arcade games or Betty's famous hot pot etc. Both Daisy and Gemma are struggling Gemma especially since she and Chesney are struggling money wise and are scrap for cash but so is Daisy. Jenny however is doing alright kind of but she still misses the Rovers but so do all the Street residents living and working on the famous cobbles of Coronation Street Weatherfield.

    And you and Daisy Ryan. How could you do something like this to Daniel. Who you say is your friend and sleeping with Daniel's girl well that is sick to the stomach Ryan. Daisy loves Daniel and Bertie very much and she has told you Ryan many times over and over again that sleeping with you was a mistake she regret doing. Leave Daisy and Daniel alone Ryan. Find someone else like Crystal she's single. And so is Alya too.

    I do miss the whole Ryan and Alya relationship and a YouTube channel all about Ryan and Alya.

  3. The Rovers been shut what 2 weeks now you'll think the Bistro would be doing a roaring trade but we haven't seen any of the street in there of a night having a drink like they did in the pub i know it's only make believe but come on writers think about it ffs

  4. As far as love triangles go this is a good one the way that Ryan and Daisy have fallen for each other in an organic way. Instead of the usual, pull two names from a hat that we’ll stick together.

  5. Why are folk so quick to say Ryan would destroy Daniel?

    The old Ryan (Sol Heras) would slaughter him sure.

    But this one is a wet lettuce leaf, and was absolutely walloped by Windass.

    Also, Daniel did very well against Chesney, Max and Justin, something people seem to choose to forget fast?

  6. Daniel, Where's the fly trap you got sinead in front of Chesney at Prima Doner?? He saw you didnt kill anything so maybe try again and then you'll be ready to kill Ryan… 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Erm shouldn't Daniel be confronting Daisy? Also Daisy and Ryan have fantastic chemistry ever since the acid attack I want them two together tbh ❤ Daniel needs to get off his high horse he took Sinead off Chesney then cheated on Sinead with Bethany

  8. I do love when crazy angery Daniel comes out, people usually get pushed down stairs or injured in fights. Always fun to watch. This is totally going down the Ken/Deidre/Baldwin path – years of drama!!

  9. Daniel is seriously only listening to what he wants
    Daisy is not a victim and this is not all on ryan
    And why is this useless kid simon even involve
    They have nothing better for him to do

  10. These two – Ryan and Daisy – need to grow up, and move on. OR Daisy needs to tell the truth to Daniel, and leave him, instead….. Silly and monotonous story line, as it is now.

  11. Daisy tells Daniel the truth that she does loves Ryan in next week episodes but hopefully when Bethany comes back I would like to see them get back together and throw Daisy out of the flat

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