Welcome back to Lethal Company! In this video we continue our adventures with the random moon mod. Somehow we manage to get insanely far into the game! ENJOY!
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So, for the shower thing, it's actually not a dumb mechanic and makes sense when you know how the girl works properly.
It's sanity. There's a hidden sanity stat. Seeing a team mate die, getting critically injured and being alone all contribute to the "fear" that the girl uses. Player with the highest fear is the one that gets hunted. Showers, I think, reset the fear stat.
Also, being the most paranoid player (which you get for having the highest total turn count) contributes a large amount to your fear level
Appreciate longer videos like this. It’s great to see the full buildup to the scary and funny parts
Such a great mod! Being forced to choose places you wouldn't is a whole new ball game!
3:15:50 😂😂😂
Skinwalker Mod.
The guy that datamined the game said the shower does nothing and Bracken does have a room, but it's not the backrooms room. The room it selects is a room farthest from the exits where it will drag the bodies of the players it kills.
you should check out the skinwalkers mod sometime it's low key terrifying. it uses clips of players ingame to try and deceive you
Now do Brutal Company with random moons xdd
can be laser pointer use like fooling targeting system of turrets ?
playlist still backwards
Shiploot mod would probably help you out on some of these more insane quota runs
The shower works but only if you don’t see her outside. If you see her she’s locked on outside. But if you just hear you can still be saved.
For some reason the random mod isn’t taking me to rend, dine or titan? Any help?
Insym was talking about some random crap but I couldn't pay attention after the "touching tips" in the background that he ignored.
Insym be like "I'm always the most paranoid. Why. How do they know. Are they spying on me?"
Hey aint this the guy who was on game awards for a clip
Insym to kill the Braken you need 2 people, 1 with the zap gun, and another with the shovel durong the stun with the zap gun. Needs 3 hits with the shovel.
god i hate "lets go"
You can disarm landmines with a shovel while walking sideways!
Never played this game, but to me it looks like you could jump on the chandelier in the tiles room, and avoid jocker guy?
I hope they add more room tiles. The carwalk gap jump tile is cool, but what if there were the "hallway" catwalks where it stopped like halfway in with out a rail because it collapsed. Or a large room with a gap in the middle with catwalks on either side without a way to cross. So you could see a bracken on the otherside but be safe because it can't cross over.
Love watching you play Lethal Company.
I think the dev needs to make a few more items do stuff. Like maybe you could shake up the red soda and throw it at an enemy as in impromptu stun grenade for half the duration.
2:07:53 straight out of a horror movie omfg