Get your umbrella, you’re going to need it, as we take a look at some of the scariest storms ever caught on camera!
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These vids seem longer than they are and I love it
the only kind of tornado I would rather see would be like the one I saw 30 years or so years ago, the baby tornado I saw was about 3 feet tall, and actually really cute, it went across side to side of the fense it was next to.
Why did it say 2001 for the bank footage of a tornado in Kentucky when you(narrator) said 2021. That's 20 years apart!
If you ever do a part 2 I’ll send you some videos from Eswatini (Africa) we have bad storms all the time and golf ball sized hail is normal. We had one last week that took out people’s windscreens completely, my own car has giant dents from it
Is it 2001 or 2021?😅
can i ask you a question?
BTW it was in london
I had a really bad thunderstorm and the wind was so strong it actually lifted up and crashed to the ground luckily he recovered after that
45 Mph winds ain't that bad. Been thru worse a bunch of times, on land and sea!
Did anyone realise when they said 2021 the title on the video actually showed 2001
I remember when I worked at a power plant back in Virginia. My boss had rentals. A lot of them had tall pine trees. We had a ice storm and my boss had to leave work because of all the ice. He said Ice storms are the worst on those trees. He had a lot of them removed after that. They did a lot of damage.
I know that I'll sound like a lunatic for saying this, but I've always wanted to see a real tornado.
bro you guys don't know how the heat wave is in Antarctica it get soooooooooo hot I thought Antarctica was supposed to be coo-
Nobody is talkingabout the ferrari in the dust storm video 😂
Me no like hurricane
w h y o n e a r t h i s t h e m u s i c u p b e a t
5:23 i have a problem im subscribed and i liked
I’ve got a very scary story one time I was on my VR I take it off at Siti’s light black eyes I drawered and then like I come back in my room and he’s gone
I chose neither (wind/hail Q)
sad we dont know the names of the narrators cuz ive noticed like 3 or 4
I live in San Antonio and a tornado went through I-35
Welcome to ct! 95 degrees in winter…..
I chose wind
The lntro is the best thing
In Texas I remember neighbors saying, "Nobody in Texas ever pays for a new roof." Those with insurance, anyway.
2021 but you wrote 2001,typing error 🙂
4:15 "EXTREME METEOROLOGIST " Dr. Reed Timmer's storm chasing vehicle is literally wrapped in flex tape from all the hail damage. He uses so much of the stuff, he got Flex Tape the Sponser him!!!!!
I Watch Ryan Hall 's live streams and his storm chasers see gnarly stuff….
Christmas 2017. In terms of power loss and damage, it wasn't too bad. But all of a sudden we heard a crash, and looked out. Our neighbours 2 doors down had a trampoline. And suddenly, it had apparently decided that it was our trampoline. (Don't worry, we gave it back.)
pls make more scary creatures videos