From scary footage of a possible ghost in a mine to a creepy video that might show the cryptid known as a skinwalker, we look at scary footage that’s too much to handle. #Scary #Creepy #SlappedHam
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7. Captured in a swedish mine called Garpenberg. Someone walking down there when it was allegedly empty. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17m1f8j/captured_in_a_swedish_mine_called_garpenberg/
6. In the jungle, the frightening jungle; no one sleeps tonight. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17ty717/in_the_jungle_the_frightening_jungle_no_one/
5. I work a job where I have to inspect houses… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17nkvce/i_work_a_job_where_i_have_to_inspect_houses_this/
4. looking for opinions… photograph taken years ago of my son… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17o1l0d/looking_for_opinions_photograph_taken_years_ago/
3. Was home alone… when I heard someone say my name. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17sg7t7/was_home_alone_pooping_when_i_heard_someone_say/
Voice says my name while… update with audio enhanced by… https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17uqyk3/voice_says_my_name_while_pooping_update_with/
2. Savannah City Hall ghost? Swipe for closeup https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/17pnl5q/savannah_city_hall_ghost_swipe_for_closeup/
1. Is this a skinwalker https://www.tiktok.com/@p_g_stories_official/video/7242723239875710251
Creatures of the Night
Tarmac Radiation
Mental Stillness
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The one with the kid and glowing woman, looks like Jada pinket Smith, she's scary all the time.
Great CGI skinwalker – so hard to add the right weight to movements
The one with the tree & "apes" if you think that is real you'll think anything is real smh unbelievable- that was clear fake! 100%
At 845 I'm this compilation the building being talked about with the ghostly figure at the bottom….does anyone see that figure at the top of the building??
The last one is fantastic CGI!! Top Notch!!😊
I'm a big fan! But these videos were bad..
That is reptilian it look like 7.5 feet tall.
The figure in Ga, what about the figure at the top of the building?!
Whatever the final creature is, it is trying to catch its breath as if its being chased; and the way it startles when it hears a noise behind it, gives credence to that observation. I also get more of the creature being terrified more than malevolent; as far as we know, its a government experiment than a skin walker
From the look of the butane torch and bongs I’m surprised someone else hasn’t shouted it his name as they juggle the door handle wth 🤦♂️
Skinwalker figure is purely animated graphics, as we can find it from it's movements. 😢
The trail cam that's in las Vegas it's a Alien
Trixie Mattel makes an appearance! What's she doing in behind the little boy in video #4?
Yep. That last one is clearly CGI. Some of my colleagues at work could make a similar model and rig it for animation in blender or Unity.
The one might be a skinwalker as it is changing but it looks like a Extra Terrestrial or a human experiment gone wrong
2:17 Looks like CGI to me.
That last really gives me the hibbiey jebbies…. Looks like a demon to me, and does anyone have an idea what it’s staring at on the ground? Looks excited when approaches ? Fresh animal/ pet maybe?.
This was also on the Spanish news channel and everyone knows the show TRUTH! No propaganda with those reports
Dang, I mean really an industrial blowtorch and 3 bongs for 1 guy?!! Yeah that can't be the reason for the voices. It could be the stranger he got whacked out of his mind with, banged that night. No ghosts there my friend just left over narcotic roach bits asking to be smoked.
bro that "skinwalker" is obviously cgi.
Ooh 😦 Those creatures with the tree sort of remind me of the dogman cryptids and they do enjoy lurking around in trees. Usually they resemble a dog human like being on steroids and those creatures were smaller than the average description of a dogman. They moved unlike a black bear and more like monkeys. Interesting 🤔 That last creature was very strange looking. I wonder if he or she would think the same about us. I wish folks would begin to give credence to children being able to see more than the programmed adult. Kids are more in tune with their senses. Thank you dear Kallen and the Slapped Ham Team for an excellent round of scary and unnerving content. ✨ 🐷 ✨
#3: just a stoner HAF, 2 bongs on the table plus a propane tank which implies crack or meth
Skinwalker looked awfully CGI to me
Hey,the last video at the end it's not other that las Vegas UFO crash,and thise been were walking around the neighborhood ok.👍👽
3 that house is gross
I feel like I've seen the creature in the last clip somewhere before, but i can't recall where
The skinwalker on is definitely not that ai yes and more like the wolf man
Anyone see all those bongs and that big ass torch on the coffee table of the video with the voice saying Richard ?😂😂😂
The guy that's hearing voices in his apartment, it's telling him to clean the place up.
When I first saw the skinwalker I was like wow that is terrifying. Unfortunately or not so unfortunately when it, turns and is startled you can kinda tell it's CG by the way it moves. It's all kinda too smooth.
Last one is CGI u can tell when it moves it’s head
Great 👍 on point as always 👌 Bigup your Chest Sir Kallen Your vids are reaching our ends in UK LONDON❤ Nuf respec
They remind me of those kids that get abandoned in the jungle and get raised by animals
The last video is fake. The skinwalker movements are way too fluid. Signs of cgi.