Today we check out The Scariest Home Videos Caught Around The World. A caught on camera ghost for many is pretty terrifying. Some paranormal videos caught on tape collections feature a variety of eerie sightings. Now I will check out new and scary youtube videos that will send some shivers down your spine.
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Ghost can’t be seen by camera, we can feel their presence but can’t see them.
Looks to me like someone is standing up, opening the door, walking trough the door and then close it behind him/herself. 12:22
Wynnmcpics has already admitted his videos are made by himself, they are not real. Stop posting his videos as proof…
6:53 it is indeed the case that Wynn couldnt see it because he introduced it via CGI
6:43 Seen this a million times!!! He's a film editor for a major network or company.
The Ouija board clip looks like big bird from Sesame Street hiding behind the door. Sorry but that’s the picture I got in my head looking at it . Sorry.
12:15 looks headless😲
Absolutely one of the best videos of the year. Str8 up … Great damn job on this. I actually rewatched it. Yeah.
You can hear responses!
There are NO never-ending loops! This is because there is no such thing as human ghosts or residual energy loops. This activity.. ALL activity are demonic entities.🔴
Ouija Board ain't no joke!! Absolutely do not mess around with for even one second.🔘
Just because shadows are small doesn't mean its a child, I'm sure Demons come in all shapes and sizes
These are not human spirits. You can't film supernatural entities it's why you only see things moved or maybe hear faint whispers. They can manipulate all of your tech stuff. Human spirits do not roam the earth after death. That's not how any of this works. These are demons & evil spirits. Dabbling in the dark arts can, over time, manifest evil. Ouija boards & tarot cards, drugs etc. open doors, just stop 🙄🥱 Stay in your right mind, lest the enemy come in & possess you.
If you can film it, there is a biological or natural aspect to it. Shapeshifters, rakes etc are shamans & witches that practice evil & end up turning into these things. The veil must be lifted for you to see into the supernatural.
I've seen many things in my long life…but there is no way I could ever film or photograph it. If something fills you fear & dread, it is evil. They feed off of fear. So you must have No Fear…which is impossible without G-d.
3:17 that blue ball coming out of another dimension.. WOOOW xDDD
People talking to demons & evil spirits always cracks me up 😂….like they gonna react to you 🤪 duh
Not a cat person but I believe that cats help get rid of negative vibes. specially black cats even tho they carry a stigma that they are bad omens, I would love a black cat
Stop sound efects pffffff
This is the ghost matrix
Yeah! Dude saw a ghost a 14:37. It's either a ghost or his daughter is helping to scare. It is pretty twisted to use a child for stuff like this. 😊
i was 666th like
The attic shrew. I would start experimenting with different noissome odours up there. 'Oh, so you want to play primate games, eh?' 😂
if you look closely at 5:15 on the left side of his computer desk, you can see that he has the Asus RT-ax82u gaming router.
Banho or banoh not banjo Hahahahaha
The churches are different because the second Church is the O'cult, look at the video different churches you can tell by what's inside. Those children are being taught to worship the goat head
Why am I watching this at 2 in the morning all alone?😳
Who else is watching this before work in the morning?👨🏾🔧
That ghost at 9:36 had a man bun he must have been gay saying heyyy girlfriend
So old
27:21 I think this is a AI generated effect. We’re bound to see much more of these kind of videos. Cool video though, entertaining for sure. 👍🏻
Where did the ball come from I mean it just literally poofed and rolled
3:57, these videos of the thing , sometimes I don't believe, but the voices tell him get out and others words ,it's crazy😱🤯