100 Incredible Moments of Instant Karma Caught on Camera 😲 Best Fails of The Week | Failarmy 2023
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– Incredible Moments Caught On Camera:
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The kid on the couch was probably thinking about the wrath his brother was going to get instead of him.
Hello friends, your video is very good, there are a lot of moments that surprise me
You never know what to expect with idiots at work around.
This video should be renamed The Chronicles of Idiots at Work.
Fantastic, time consuming research! Thanks for putting this together, & just the right amount of sarky comments! 🤣👍
I cant even pick a favorite among these idiots at work. Theyre all epic!
Fantastic, time consuming research! Thanks for putting this together, & just the right amount of sarky comments! 🤣👍
The world of idiots at work is a never-ending source of entertainment.
Brace yourself for some epic idiots at work moments in this video.
Darvin miał całkowitą rację – niech te oszołomy po prostu same się pozabijają.
I salute the brave souls who document idiots at work.
I really wanted to laugh but a dog ate food and snail😭😭😭😭😭
I cant stop laughing at the antics of these idiots at work.
Hello friends, your video is very good, there are a lot of moments that surprise me
0:12 wow super hero, thank you
The award for idiots at work goes to the stars of this video!
I saw one of your videos thats why I like it
I cant stop shaking my head at these idiots at work.
I cant stop shaking my head at these idiots at work.
Every office needs a few idiots at work to keep things interesting.
Oh, yeah. I always put my phone down when my cat wants attention. They know when youre not fully present. Shes worth it!
Workplace safety meets idiots at work – what a combo!
Im with Aria.
I show these to my grandma when she falls asleep, better than coffee
Thats not cool skateboarding with your dog.
If I had a dollar for every time Ive seen idiots at work like this…
Some of these quite funny!
Always enjoy watching your videos
This video is proof a lot of people do NOT know how to control a dog, should never be allowed to own one.
Interesting 👍
The kid on the couch was probably thinking about the wrath his brother was going to get instead of him.
100 Incredible Moments of Instant Karma Caught on Camera 😲 Best Fails of The Week | Failarmy 2023