15 Best Animal Friendships in the World
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So wonderfull
I love all of these examples because they serve as powerful reminders of why humans must learn to show the same kindliness to each other. How ironic that Nature chose this method to members of the lower kingdoms to remind us humans of our higher nature; a nature so often distorted by outdated and harmful social customs often learned from parents and others.
I was very privileged to visit the BLT trio at Noah's Ark in Georgia a year before Leo died. A really special visit.
The collage the viewer sent to you is an elephant and a lion and a deer and a tiger, not a lion, as mentioned in the narration.
If you are going to produce enjoyable and informative videos, please, at least, get the animals' species correct. It's not difficult to do.
Most humans: insulting and killing each other over something as base as skin and gender
This video: A tiger, bear and lion spending a lifetime worth of friendship.
Don't mean to rain on your shitty video these animals are NOT wild… They are in people's homes from birth so the don't live in THE WILD… They are domesticated predatory animals and do not live the same sleep the same or hunt the same…. I'm looking for 2 animals living in the wild that by pure coincidence are together as friends when one of them should be eating the other
A dog and an owl watching eastenders and corrie? If that's possible then peace in the middle east is just over the horizon ❤
All of them
So god damn cute!
Realize is just one mother father to many nephew and niece and sometime very different sometime relate by DNA to long time we all forgot even god Satan even I memory loss
Hence proved, dogs should not be counted as animal.
1:44 is fake bro, bellas head gives it away.. thx for the vid tho.
Doc Antile casually appearing throughout the video is suspicious…
Why show 5 different pairs of animals while telling a story about a specific relationship?
Like the cat and the fox, and the boar with the dog for example?
What's up with that?
I just love how God gives us a idea of what heaven will be like 💖
Re: the subscriber pics…. You’re aware the second picture is a tiger and not a lion….?
Watching this is the absolute best thing I could do for my mood. So much love
I feel like if elephants were carnivore they wouldve also tamed wolves. Feel like theyd naturally get along. Like us and dogs, or ravens and wolves.
Also, i could see humans domesticating lions in some alternate reality, where they didnt eat us much, given how theyre suprisingly similar to wolves as opossed to other cats.
Ngl, given how territorial ostriches are, its super interesting that it would befriend a giraffe. Maybe because of how social they are with mates.
Birds in general just seem to enjoy the vibes.
Even though I have no doubt the ❤ the Fggggvgv and my favorite of
I'm sorry did you say "beloved" movie???? No no "traumatic" is more accurate. I refuse to watch that again.
“…..and this little piggy went “Bow wow wow wow.” 😂
It’s amazing how well animals can get along, when they’re not hungry. 😂
I like them all❤ I wish people are the same. Good video thank you for sharing this 👍
That is a lesson that animals are giving to us humans. Different species living together without anger, without fight. Why can’t we do the same ?