No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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So much love to Precious❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤let her be comfortable. Precious you are Precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please take her to your room!
Thank you all of you, so much❤ for the comfort you provide to to them
Precious is a beautiful name for her and I hope she feels better 💓 ❤️ 💕 💗 ♥️ 💛. Please 🙏 Takis try your best to help this sweet baby girl 😊😊❤❤
Just by his voice when he said this is so bad,that shows how much he cares about her and how concerned he is about the old girl!
Thank you for you kindness.
My heart is breaking💔💔😢😢 watching this .. the right name for her because she is Precious..WHY didn't her family do anything when the lump first appeared and things could have been done for her..no they waited until she was dying THEN THE BAS TARDS ABANDONED HER… she is safe with Takis now..now she will learn about love..care..kindness..she will not be in pain..she will have a peaceful end with hunans abd canine friends that love her. She hasn't given up so Takis as usual takes the lead from the individual dog. I do hope she can fight the infection and start breathing better but l think this beautiful golden oldie is another Elvis .she will enjoy her life but unfortunately I think her time with us is short. 🇬🇧💔🐾🐕🙏✝️😪🇬🇷
I hope she can get something to help her cough and breathing 😢🙏she deserves lots of kindness and many years of Love🙏🐶
Precious praying your health improves get strong and well🐶🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Poor sweet old lady. She really is precious! I just pray she can be comfortable. Takis I know this is hard on you as well. Hang in there you are an amazing man.
Animal abuse, abandonment, or when they are so sick like this, that's the things that peak my anger to unbelievable levels. I can handle alot, but never an Animal suffering. This beautiful girl, she shouldn't suffer like this, but l know however much time this dear sweet angel has left, Taki will make it very comfortable and let her know every day she is now loved. Her face is so knowing, yet so gentle and calm. It is probably the first time she has had kindness shown to her in a long time. But you're Home now honey, Welcome Home 🧸 Precious 🧸!!!
Ειναι θλιβερο,να πετουν τα ζωακια τους στα δυσκολα.
Μαλλον δεν τα αγαπησαν ποτε.Αυτες οι συμπεριφορες δεν ειναι ανθρωπων αλλα υπανθρωπων.
Может, подвязать опухоль к туловищу, чтобы не тянуло.. Хоть немного легче будет жить.
So distressing for dear Takis I hope Precious can recover some she is a sweetie 😢
Danke danke alles gute mein schatz 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
So sad! 😢😢😢😢
Ich wünschte der Tourist der Sie gefunden hat sieht das hier, denn ohne seine Hilfe wäre die süße noch immer dort Hilflos zurückgelassen. Danke das Sie sich um Hilfe für die alte HundeDame gekümmert haben das ist nicht selbstverständlich in der heutigen Zeit. Ihr ehemaliger Besitzer sollte sich schämen für das was er seinem Liebling angetan hat, Fellnasen die Alt und Kränklich werden wirft man nicht weg wie Müll sie gehören zur Familie. Ich hoffe der Süßen geht es bald besser das der Husten nachlässt und Sie noch eine schöne Zeit bei Takis hat.
Lieve takky du bist ein mens meit zoviel herz vor de dieren niets is jeteveel je bent een lieve schat en el pappa deiner hundjes dank je❤❤❤❤❤❤
angel Takis
Maybe cortisone helps a bit ❤
Courage Taky ❤❤❤