Enjoy this Belgian Malinois compilation. This video is all about cute Belgian Malinois puppies and Belgian Malinois acting funny or doing tricks. SUBSCRIBE for more compilations like this and get your weekly dose of smiles!
Have fun watching:
– A Belgian Malinois puppy playing with his mom, another playing with toys
– A Malinois litter eating, and another playing
– A young Malinois chasing its toy
– A Malinois in training with a Rottweiler
– Malinois doing tricks, standing, giving paw, walking between the legs of the owner, and a young one climbing and standing on a fence
– Belgian Malinois playing in the water and swimming
– A Malinois puppy playing in bed
Most Belgian Malinois in the video are purebred dogs, and some are mixed breed dogs.
#BelgianMalinois #BelgianMalinoispuppies #dogcompilation #cutedogs #funnydogs #puppy #puppies
► What to do to find a dog and get ready to welcome him home? Check our New Dog Owner Guide: https://www.petbudget.com/dog-owner-guide
► Interested in getting a Belgian Malinois? https://www.petbudget.com/find-belgian-malinois
► For more information about the cost of buying and raising one: https://www.petbudget.com/belgian-malinois-cost
► Best ways to find a puppy to buy: https://www.petbudget.com/find-puppy
► The cost to own a dog: https://www.petbudget.com/dog-cost
► Looking for puppy prices, the cost to own a specific breed, and saving tips, visit our blog: https://www.petbudget.com
Thanks to the following persons for the music
– Birthday video music, birthday background lyrics free music by Music for Video Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQvcdGd48Uk
– Cooking show music, food vlog background music by Music for Video Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9HnEO7aHDU
Thanks to the following persons for the footage licensed under CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
– A4931041 Ariel, Belgian Malinois by United Hope for Animals: https://youtu.be/F2zwr6vQPHI
– Demi the Malinois puppy and Rudy the Rottweiler by The Dog Guy: https://youtu.be/gcU5PglIV_w
– Part 1: 6 weeks old Belgian Malinois pups eating breakfast by joelsantos73: https://youtu.be/oO3ls9xo7h8
– Belgian Malinois puppy by Elisa Rivoira: https://youtu.be/7hpoelh8_6E
– Belgian Malinois Ceaser by Dogtrainers UK: https://youtu.be/SiIY3mOu4_0
– Malinois dog carrying a stick out of the water by Gary Crowder: https://youtu.be/1werBzXNLeY
– 6-month-old Belgian Malinois, Dakota, boarding and training, best dog training by OffLeashK9Training: https://youtu.be/oCL097HhW6o
– Belgian Malinois Sasha trick training by Theresa H: https://youtu.be/ZVBxtQVwX5I
– 5-month-old Shepinois Pookuh, obedience training, 14-day transformation by OffLeashK9Training: https://youtu.be/U2P7pRr4Mv0
– Owczarek Belgijski Malinois, Loki 19 mies by Arek Tobe: https://youtu.be/pSAP9qGI1eg
– OB Malinois, Loki by Arek Tobe: https://youtu.be/hsqU2kSqsv8
– Belgian Malinois dog training with French commands demonstration by The Malinois Channel: https://youtu.be/CAGYz1BNIoo
– Belgian Malinois puppy playing with kids by Rea Malinois: https://youtu.be/vA2a9Fzrn28
– Belgian Boy Ceaser by Dogtrainers UK: https://youtu.be/qOdOxIhYv6g
– Education Malinois Lyssa fais la belle, couchée sans passer par assis by Benjamin CRESSEND : https://youtu.be/6VOtW9bXiJ4
– We go hiking with Moscow at South Lake Tahoe, French dog training commands obedience by The Malinois Channel: https://youtu.be/FQmIjGUSq9M
– Duke chasing prey for 20 seconds by The Malinois Channel: https://youtu.be/H32rahyX6NI
– Another playful day in puppy life by Rea Malinois: https://youtu.be/gvMx3nPh2f8
– Welcome home Rea by Rea Malinois: https://youtu.be/YIV0ZVZUfS4
– Malinois swimming in lake by Heiko Appenrodt: https://youtu.be/OB2BZXvEOE8
– How to train a Belgian Malinois to heel, Fatimah working on her heel by FARADAY K9: https://vimeo.com/420846232
– Gadget dogs, water toy by Jody Raines: https://vimeo.com/133226748
– Malinois versus water by Jody Raines: https://vimeo.com/130547833
What do you love about Belgian Malinois? Let everyone know in the comments, or feel free to share a funny anecdote!
To me, the bond they forge with their owner is merely unique. And they are so smart too.
" Gloria Colabufalo❤21/04/1980 io voglio essere essere al tuo fianco, pieno d'amore e di verità, così com'è un cane, fedele & protettivo, così com'è un'uomo responsabile e presente. Sì al tuo fianco: nella gioie, nei dolori, nelle sconfitte, nelle vittorie, nelle tenebre, nelle luminosità, ossia, nella vita d'ogni tuo giorno & d'ogni mio giorno, insieme Tu & Io. " [ Giulio Diani ]
Every dog is cute when it is a puppy the cuteness disappears as it grows 😅😅
Man, Can’t wait to pick up my Belgian Malinois puppy on February 20, 2022 (if you see one of my videos you’ll see
the puppy I’m getting)
yep, now show me the not so cute side
I was so happy when my Maligator stopped making me bleed at 5 months old. 💞
Fem. B
Maybinibinta kau
They are so smart and very strong dog
I love you mali