The Top 20 SCARY GHOST videos from TikTok for the entire year. We took YOUR suggestions and compiled the SCARIEST Top 20 list of ALL of the scary tiktok videos from Nukes Top 5 for the last year! Haunted places, ghost hunters, poltergeists, haunted dolls, scary apparitions, and scary videos of EXTREME paranormal activity … Not a Top 5 or a Top 10, but a TOP 20 of all of the scariest tik tok videos!
If you liked this Nukes Tops 5 tiktok list, you should also check out TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR for 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0WAVT2KjM
or Top 10 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR for 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4
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39:27 that girl changed her tune quick
that face moves like a roach you dont think its a bug that moves fast.
bro said caught on camera and other ones was caught on what?
I’m from fort smith area and there definitely is a dark past in that town everything is just creepy about that town
Odd paranormal activity as opposed to typical or casual paranormal activity
Idk why the one lady assumes its a ghost at the door instead of a legit dope head trying to break into their house
67 excorism?! Dont you think they would try something new? Jeeze.
Seriously? THAT'S how you wake a person up???? If the other person hadn't yelled at the girl, she STILL wouldn't have woken the guy up properly.
fake and fraud
I feel sorry for those who have something happening inside their home, that they can´t explain, paranormal or not. It should be a place where you feel safe and happy and being disturbed or even having to move in some cases is really stressful and just unfourtunate for them
32:15 the ghost is at the end of the aisle on the left peaking out before it shows itself again peaking out more on the next aisle.
12:50 he didn't show left side of bathtub, and it's suspicious why he even showing that! I beliebve in ghosts/demons/entites, but at least half of clips from most compilations are staged, girl from this clip blinks with eye, when she peek behind that door/corner! i don't believe ghosts blinking with eyes 😂😂😂
you guys are idiots never talk to a demon, tell them to leave!
your freaked out by a picture on a door?
Never open the door u just invited it in
#12 to this day scares the hell out of me.
Around 16.30 looks like an alien, just sayin.
even thos vidos that are very very crpy but cleerly fake…get miloins of viwes so…..
99% are probbly fake…we have a very good and easy to use,grafic afects tools today.😅🤪🌹
but tnx❤,i like thos too they are realy funy…i love a good shok and ahh.😋🤣
3:37–3:39 I never knew that you can laugh too 😂
the girl ghost kinda…..
It just me or the gosh wearing mask ?
Why its so rare gosh in rich house ?
Nukes top five is not anything fake❤
How can these ghost sightings be just the light confusing us
I will kick em at 3:00 am
My question is, if the ghosts are actually the ppl and not just like a mist, why would it be in black and white?? 25:40– that tv should be booked down..
Something or someone is at your front door peaking in and your thought is let’s go outside self preservation is lacking there
All these are fake but I really enjoy watching them.
I love your videos boet❤
when the kids said they aint afraid of no ghost… and then being afraid of ghost🤣
27:14 huh i heard a breath from behind him
That mom who fell asleep without checking her child.. Bulsshit!
12:19 why does this ghost looks like the ghost that haunted me when I was 4 years old
I saw a woman upstairs something if front camera look saw there i see can black hair a woman. 13:10 Watch look Nukes top 5
#2 was the camera catching a money tin (looked like the one with the queens face on it, if youre from NZ youll know exactly what im talking about. If youre not, google it) or toy etc that was right next to the camera as he pulled it down lol
There someone in 32.28mins in the left side
Video 14 is scary, and this isn't a little girl, that looked like a demon.
Video 3 why are the 2 kids alone in the house or better why are the parents not come out when the kids are crying?
I feel the same way as Titto feels. Knowing the pain of a very good friend is 💔😭. A good friend of mine named Darryl Roush was born 1990 and died April 26,2022 at the age of 33. All i know about what happened to my friend Darryl Roush is that he passed away from health complications. I'm going to be 33 on October 10,2025
Theres no way in hell that you can realistically pay me enough money as a building/condo maintenence worker, to go & check out any basement, attic or abandoned room thats allegedly haunted by myself…Never! Sh1t it would even take ALOT of friendly bet money or prize money from a game show for me to really do it irl.
Get a dog! Almost all dogs will warn and protect you from dark paranormal entities, demons, or ghosts…and on the contrary, most cats will actively try to conjure them up, they will be the culprit for a typical haunting 😮
11 that is a skin walker i hate thosoes things
His phone battery died just as he captured the footage we see? So if the battery died, how'd he save the footage?
0:40 there's a pretty obvious cut between when the light is off and then when its turned on
7:32 her game was froze lol
Why do so many people use the girl from the ring or the ghost boy from scary movie.
Bro at 32:18 and 32:29 is it just me or is the figure peeping it’s head out and ducks twice behind the same shelf that nuke points out?
Chips and chicken are fake it's on a string they ain't fooling me ever. She wants enuf views to get 2piece chicken and chips
In asain culture we don't allow dolls in the house for this reason where the baby is pulled right after the dolls arm moves but great to see a white mom keeping her baby in the same bed as her every Asian parent watching gives full respect to this mother
Another clip just brilliant is Maddybark ghost on the door just 100 percent real.