US Presidents Play WORDLE Google Feud and Geoguessr . Presidents Plays Series where Trump Biden and Joe play WORDLE! ULTIMATE US Presidents Gaming Compilation!
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Watch Wordle 1-7 https://youtu.be/DtIIT_1dm0Y
Please note that the upcoming video includes AI-generated voice clips featuring various individuals. These fabricated voice clips are intended solely for entertainment purposes, and they should not be interpreted as an accurate representation of the real individuals they mimic.
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Hey trump, biden, and obama, u guys gonna wear santa hats for the holidays in the next video?
Obama ain’t racist
Can we stop and question what people are searching up about hotdogs? Also, Trump, you can't be calling Obama a Robot, he's the most human looking/acting one on this channel.
You mom
To be continue
3: trump why you think joe is going to die no im going to die because of you big oringe
2: trump if you be the presendent you are not going to the white house your going to the gray house aka prison
1: hi trump aka the person who weights 100000 big macs
10 roasts for Trump
Hi trump aka the person that's weight is 10000 big mac
Joe Biden should start the intro as “hello everybody and welcome to a new mrbeast challenge,today we are giving away 10 million dollars”
( • .•)
I thought the animal was joes mom ;c
Obamba racist
😊 1:09:02
I do not like trump
Obama is the best trunp is resist 😊
man biden so useless
Your blad
can we get the f@#$ punched out of Joe?
Oh Bamba is racist
No.5 43:34☠☠☠☠☠☠💀💀💀💀💀
Obama is not racist
Will you make more content
Obama is not racist whatsoever
This is a Hilarious Video. Can't wait Till 2024 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
there is a republican behind the screen posting these videos
51:04 im thinking of what that is supposed to mean too
No Obama isn't racist, but Trump and Biden are
I knew it was Joe Biden
I can’t help but laugh every time I hear each of them speaking in their American accents and using British slang like “bloody”, “rubbish”, and “what are you on about”
President play cleverbot be cool
It's plastic or foil for Google feud.
Obama is the best Trump is fat and racist and orange
Trump and Joe suck and Obama is awesome