2 Hours of ChainsFR
2 straight hours of high quality ChainsFR content (compilation)
Including: School dances be like, Vaping be like, Intrusive thoughts be like, things we all did as kids, school drills be like, my scariest high experience, late night thoughts, zooted at the family dinner, highschool fights be like, first time doing mushrooms, skipping class be like, the 2 man mission, getting grounded, what to do when your too high, high thoughts 3, locker rooms be like, what being black out drunk feels like, my first time buying from the plug,
17:24 What Is That Size That's Cap Men
bro its the fnaf movie on the screen 1:15:20
Lockdown drills used to be goated at my primary school. It’s because we only got 2 a year, but we had like 8 fire drills a year, so when they happened the class got hyped. And at my school, when we got a lockdown drill, they played the fkn Macarena. So while we were hiding under tables (which I think was stupid because the intruder will 100% see you) we we’re vibing to the Macarena while we hiding from a shooter 😂 (we only had 1 real lockdown once, some kid was throwing rocks)
his mom watching this rn:IM GONNA SPANK THAT A$$
1:15:45 I’m so tired of people thinking the fear movie scary when it’s really not btw it’s on the tv
"what it would be like to be throwing it back on the lunch table on a tuesday at 2:41 pm"
got me rollin fr 💀
17:24 was crazy 💀
24:10 the ways the water flowed out of your hands and he felt like a superhero is proof original thoughts don’t exist lol. That really just unlocked a memory in my mind 😂
Damn sorry for writing a second message because I thought when my tablet died I didn't send the message in time but yes i,I, shut up now
Bob is the goat every episode he's in, he's saved you from drowning,coyotes eating yo high ass up in that one video,getting yo high as grounded and getting yo ass beat in that one video,and saved you from eating shit in front of the hoes. Like Bob is the real gigachad and rizzler for helping you get hoes not as any insults but Bob is the gigachad meme now imma shut the hell up before I be falling asleep mid message
Bob being the man of almost ever episode he appears in saved you from drowning,coyotes,getting your ass beat, and saving you from eating shit if front of the hoes bob is a gigachad a rizzler for helping you get hoes and a fucking lord drop kicking a coyote is fucking crazy i betting shut my ass up before my tablet dies💀
One time when I was 6, me and my brother dug like 20 holes, filled them with water, put worms in them, and pretended to fish for them. Average childhood moment.
Bro 0:23 😭
if u cant go to sleep and put on ur phone adhd fr dude
bro das adhd fr bro
This caught me off guard 10:37
Did no one notice the giant hot dog in the shower scene 17:24
There's also the gorilla glue flavor😭
Makes you wonder, what are the parents doing?
JJ is the goat
Every single time I on the side of the road I have the sunden erge to jump into the road
just look at bob no reaction to getting whooped
it had me dying when that guy dropped kicked the coyote 42:23
Jit if i told you what i did as a kid id get cancelled
Appreciate the tips on the correct ways to get zooted
1:53 diary of a wimpy kid movie by chains fr!
I do the sidewalk this too I don’t know why but I just do
37;09 what is that base omg
This be getting me through the longer Christmas shopping hours
31:14 my fat friend sat on my desk and broke it. 💀
This man is him 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
Not going to cap I feel like getting high
Wanna break from the adds
I was debating if I would get in trouble at school today so this took it off my mind so thank you chains FR
our middle school dj was my history teacher, my friends coach, and my friends dad (all the same person)
On the shorts channel? 😂
I have a shirt that says I poised my game to be here it’s a small world we live in
26:20 bro why are his fingers like that
ngl the intrusive thoughts of being in school, seeing the yellow hexagon, green triangle that wooden thing, the trapazoid, I used to chew on them