Do you remember that absolutely divine feeling you had as a child when you were digging in wet sand at the beach? Deeper and deeper… Have you ever wondered where you would have ended up if you’d kept digging without stopping? Great news! Even if you never managed to find out how far down your little tunnel could go, this video will tell you!
What you’ll find at a depth of 2.3 ft 0:58
At what depth we come across the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun 1:54
How long are roots of tropical forest plants 2:22
What did the Mole Man do 2:32
Beijing’s Underground City 3:01
The Paris Catacombs 3:18
The deepest swimming pool in the world 3:41
The deepest metro station in the world 4:22
The deepest hotel room 4:50
The deepest road tunnel on Earth 5:22
The deepest natural shaft in the world 6:04
The deepest laboratory in the world 8:07
At what depth the deepest known multicellular organism dwells 8:42
The deepest point of the ocean 9:18
The deepest artificial hole on Earth 10:17
#deepesthole #marianatrench
Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
– At a depth of 2.3 ft, you’ll find numerous mole tunnels and rabbit warrens. By the way, a mole can dig a tunnel longer than 65 ft in just one day!
– Deep-burrowing species of earthworms can be spotted at a depth of 10 ft. One of them, Drawida grandis, can grow up to 3.5 ft long.
– You can still find the roots of tropical forest plants if you dig 23 ft down. Tropical trees need such long roots to store water during dry periods.
– When we arrive at a depth of 60 ft, we can see Beijing’s Underground City. That’s a subterranean bomb shelter consisting of a vast network of tunnels and underground rooms. It’s situated under the capital of China.
– In Cappadocia, Turkey, there’s an underground complex that probably dates back to the 7th century. Its name is Derinkuyu Underground City, and it’s situated almost 280 ft below Earth’s surface.
– The Channel Tunnel, connecting the UK with France, is situated at a depth of 377 ft.
– The deepest railway tunnel is located at a depth of 787 ft. That’s the maximum depth of the Seikan Tunnel in Japan that opened in 1988.
– Even if we could get down to 1,001 ft, we’d still be in the danger zone for a B82 Earth-penetrating nuclear warhead. That’s its maximum destructive depth.
– At a depth of 3,800 ft, there’s the deepest bat colony in the world. About 1,000 brown bats spend every winter in a zinc mine in New York.
– About 5,920 ft down and we arrive at the deepest part of the 227-mile-long Grand Canyon. Its average depth is 5,282 ft.
– The average depth of the oceanic crust is almost 20,000 ft. This is also the depth of the deepest known microbes. They were found in rocks below China’s Songliao Basin.
-The winner in the category of the deepest artificial hole on Earth is Z44-Chayvo Oil and Gas Well. This shaft is drilled down to a whopping 40,604 ft! That’s 15 Burj Khalifas put on top of each other. The shaft is located in the Russian Far East.
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Guys, did you see that movie about the Paris Catacombs? Would you like to visit them?
Speaking of horror movies, here're some funny ways to deal with them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r0i3nWeNwc&
I would probably dig my deepest I could go before I got
Nice, interesting, real fun! Thank you. It would be great to have the measure in meter and Celsius as well, for „rest of the world“ !
How to avoid water I have creativity to dug a tunnel after 7 feet water 🌊 comes out so how tu dug tunnel
No one in the world can dig past 75% or 80% of the distance
Fun fact: there’s a gold mine under my house
I would go only 100 feat
I thought the deepest thing was mariana trench
The max id go is about 5 million ft If i dont reach the mantle if i do then uhh. im not melting
When I have something like eight years old,l dug a hole in the sand park, there was in drain pipes and stuff.
my hight. 3"8'
I love it when you teach us new stuff
3s 😮 nononono come on 5ms is mach beter 😅
Bro got that 🤓 voice
QWERTY qwerty said that while the young men were not in the military or in the military they were in the military and were not in the military but were in the military as a group and were not in the military at all and were not in the military either and were not involved I think they are in the same class in kindergarten or sixth grade and they are in the military now and they are in the military so they are in the military and they are in the military and they are in the civilian school and they’re not so brave
Not long enough.
It’s too much raining now on summer because my
2:52 2:53 2:53 2:54 2:54 country is called England
I would dig to the other side of the world!!
Fun fact: there is a diamond 💎 mine underneath my house
What if we could dig,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999989999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999099999999 feet.