Hippos VS Crocodiles

Hippos VS Crocodiles
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Something exciting is coming soon! We can’t wait! Making
Learning Fun and Oh So Interactive! As animals have been in existence
for much longer than we have.
Our curiosity for animals is endless. We have so much to learn. One
such lesson can be viewed here: Love and Respect Thy Neighbour.
#wildearth #wildearthtv #somethingexcitingcomingsoon #animals
#lessonsfromnature #hippovscroc


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About the Author: WildEarth


  1. Hippos aren’t actually herbivores. They’re supposed to be but they’re so aggressive that they’ll just eat anything they chomp down on. That includes meat even if it was unintended.

  2. I remember being in the Serengeti and went went across a bridge and to our right in the water were Hippos and Crocs sharing the space. Beautiful and deadly sight

  3. Can’t believe there’s morons believe bears could take a hippo. Hippo has tougher skin then walrus and I’ve seen walrus get attacked by polar bears and go back to sleep

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