Something exciting is coming soon! We can’t wait! Making
Learning Fun and Oh So Interactive! As animals have been in existence
for much longer than we have.
Our curiosity for animals is endless. We have so much to learn. One
such lesson can be viewed here: Love and Respect Thy Neighbour.
#wildearth #wildearthtv #somethingexcitingcomingsoon #animals
#lessonsfromnature #hippovscroc
always wondered how better or worse would Saltwater crocodile have coexisted with hippos
Bro showed us everything except hippo vs crocodile
He wants the smoke
What the hell is this music-
Clickbait downvote report
that cool to now
lol. skip. pointless and moronic
Hippos are NOT herbivores. YouTube it
Talking about crocs and hippos being aggressive
super playful music in background with whistling sounds
absolute clickbait..
it's basically the spino vs trex fight of our times
"gross eaters!"
Hippos aren’t actually herbivores. They’re supposed to be but they’re so aggressive that they’ll just eat anything they chomp down on. That includes meat even if it was unintended.
clickbait – rep
hippo has croc's jaws with rhino's body.
Where are hippos against crocodiles ?
Why black folks don't swim.
Click bait:Hippo vs crocodile is the title right?So it’s ok to say I’m waiting for a fight and none came 😂😂ooooo you got me !
I was watching plumbing videos and now……. I’m here
They are both enemies
Bunch of click bait BS! F off
not what I came here for😒
😂😂😂. Music psychopathe 😂😂
I remember being in the Serengeti and went went across a bridge and to our right in the water were Hippos and Crocs sharing the space. Beautiful and deadly sight
Hippo will steal there food
Basically T -Rex Vs Spino
Hippos are like the most aggressive vegans
The cute ear wiggles of the hippo gets me every time lol
“Evoking fear in many, crocodiles will crush an animal that gets into its grip”
Music: 😙😙🎉🥰😁🎶🕺
Hippos aren't potentially dangerous they kill the most people out of all the apex predators in Africa every year. They are the most dangerous. Crocs being not too far behind.
Giant crocodiles like Gustav and Lolong and such have no probs to take on hippos
Gustave enters the chat
that's not the "VS" I wanted to watch …
I thought I would see a hippo fighting against a crocodile
The friggin background music lol
Can’t believe there’s morons believe bears could take a hippo. Hippo has tougher skin then walrus and I’ve seen walrus get attacked by polar bears and go back to sleep
❤hippo king Riveps
The guy talking : ☠️😈👻👹👿👺 The music : 😁🥰😀🤪❤️
And thats almost a dino look alike with the same movements.
They are not grass eaters yes they eat grass but they also eat meat