Leprosy in Armadillos đŸ¤¯ #shorts #animals

Leprosy in Armadillos đŸ¤¯ #shorts #animals
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Finally the information the internet truly needed on leprosy in armadillos. This little one was orphaned after his mother was hit by a vehicle. It’s being taken to a wildlife rehabber so that it can hopefully be released by into the wild ahead. Subscribe for more videos similar to this one with Bare Hands Beran at the Wildlife Command Center.
#animalshorts #animalfacts #animals


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About the Author: Wildlife Command Center


  1. Im not gonna eat an armadillo anytime soon so is there a way i could get the disease by contact or is it only transferred by consumption 🤔

  2. Growing up in a small rural town we had a family that were lepers. They were total outcast. No one would so much as talk to them. The father was the one in worst shape. One of the kids who didn't have it went to school at my school. I did make all efforts to be nice and include him in what I could. Back in the 70's we were ignorant savages

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