Supporters of Amiir Horton, a former Smoky Hill High School student who was expelled following a school fight, created a petition calling on the Cherry Creek School District to allow the teen to re-enroll in public school. “My goal with the petition is really to get the word out and see how many other families who have been affected by this and see if we can really hold Cherry Creek Schools accountable for their actions,” said Christian Caldwell, Horton’s uncle and president of My Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper Colorado. Caldwell said Horton’s expulsion stems from a 40-second fight. Video of the fight reveals Horton, 16, hit another male student first. “It was a verbal fight, more than an actual fight. But you know, he was saying that he didn’t like me and whatnot. And I didn’t really care because not everybody’s gonna like you. But he kept saying it as if he wanted to get under my skin. And eventually it did, which led me to confront him about it, asking him if he had an actual problem with me or not. And from there is when it led up to us having a fight,” Horton said. Horton admits he threw the first punch and said he is remorseful.
Wearing black forces 😂😂😂
I mean he did start the fight lol
Mom is a dumb hoe smfh blsme yourself
Damn mommy fine
It became clear
Your nephew became a statistic by his own actions!! Must have learned from uncle!
Typical mom minimizing her son’s behavior.
They get expelled because they are violent with a complete absence of impulse control. Yes, it is also to do with colour too, as the sundry administrations know that the coloured kids are the ones to watch out for.
Zero tolerance. I love it.
“Nothing Personal kid”
It’s how the blacks are raised ✅👍🏾
lmao stupid kids using violence to solve their problems lol
Is this at JFK
Yea but what started the fight in the first place?
I just don’t get why kids and teens have to fight over things nowadays
Yeah but transgender kids using girls bathroom and exposing themselves and they don't do nothing to so-called it
He threw the 1st punch and was the aggressor, 0 TOLERANCE means 0 TOLERANCE for violence, good , and for the mother to think it's okay, she's the problem
Where is his father? At work?😂😂
Smoky getting sanctioned
He ovb gang related on the other hand theses pussy white kids aint in no gang so thats prob why and white kids are pussys comon except me lol but yea🎉
Come on mom your son started the fight thats the problems these parents thinks it ok he knew better he should be expelled
He threw the first punch…keep him out of school..!
And baby-momma needs to keep it real and stop supporting his lies…
Baby daddy cannot be reached for comment…
that body slam was crazy
da kid with black jeans got his sh*t rocked fr
RIP for him❤
i literally go here now
as a headphone user, my left ear is having a very good time rn
I'm sick of these stories. Hope this kid gets his act together.
Are you kidding me? This mother is defending her sons behavior. This is what’s wrong with the world. This child should be expelled they should both be expelled.
It wasn’t a mutual fight he hit first after that it’s self defense
And blacks and Latinos 104 students
Whites 39 students
That’s about the same per race lol 🤦
52 blacks
52 Latinos
39 whites