Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at …
Hello everyone, I have been involved in stray dog rescue for many years, and I have always provided public welfare assistance at …
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I have had the electric stimulation this sweet baby is getting. It can be painful to some. I found it irritating more than truly painful. Mine was to make my arms and hands work correctly again. It is very tiring though and just wears you out.
When this baby was lying partially out of his crate I wonder if he pushed himself that far trying to follow the man that he is so devoted to. The one that loves him enough to try and help him rather than ignore him and walk on by. Labs love their person with almost blind devotion and loyalty. The love between this man and his dog just tugs at my heart!!!!!❤❤❤
Ich hoffe er wird bald wieder gesund 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘😘danke an euch allen 👍🥰🥰🥰
❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘for lovely child ❤❤❤❤❤❤
God go with the poor dog 😢😢
A street dog has been paralysed in his throat. Doctor just gave trips/injection one day and asked us to feed glucose. He's been bit by another dog and is ill, not moving or eating anything for 3 days now. What should we do? Please pray for him. He is just a baby, very innocent soul ❤
How many love..,how many care to her❤. Thank you and thank to great vet,he work with many sweetness❤.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Danke ❤❤❤❤❤
He knows that he is safe and Loved❤..God Bless you, you can see how much you care about him and he needs that, Never Stop Caring, it is a Gift From God.. Thank you and All the people you work with.😂❤😂
Graças esses médicos anjos pra cuidar desses inferno centes abandonados,se não fosse vcs,eles morreriam a míngua,Deus abençoe grandemente ❤❤❤❤❤
A posição que Eli fica deitado e cansativo eli com as pernas penduradas em um carinho e vem melhor descansa de fica deitado tempo todo
Бедная Собачка 😢😢😢. Скорейшего восстановления Собачке!😘🤗❤
❤ 😊 ❤ 😊 Sois unos angelitos muchas gracias por buestro grandisimo trabajo
Amore! quanto AMORE hai intorno a te! forza, dai!!!! io sò che ci riuscirai!!!
alla prossima!!! 😇😘♥
Reborn has trust in dragon brothers ❤ help.