From a creepy clip of a possible ghost caught on trail cam to a scary video that might show evidence of a giant cryptid, we look at creepy clips to watch while on the toilet. #Creepy #Scary #SlappedHam
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7. I got this antique picture a few weeks back. My girlfriend had a bad feeling about it and a couple of nights ago… https://www.facebook.com/groups/283566876803190/permalink/838607357965803/
6. Lo hiciste… https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz4sdg7rtZb/
5. Would someone tell me what is this? https://youtu.be/Xi0gJiSpqXE?si=Pj3ZhDOVwv_nBvCr
I heard this creature again https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WwoQ2QEw-dA
3. My trail camera caught a figure moving left to right in this video. More context and photos in comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1823s9o/my_trail_camera_caught_a_figure_moving_left_to/
Comparison shot https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fc2kh0ekw642c1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D2532%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D754d84d24f69e0a2fe90c8befdc2897febce2f66
Walking through the woods https://www.reddit.com/user/BourbonLover88/comments/182e0fi/walking_through_the_woods/
2. Earlier tonight, there was something breaking through the ground just outside the Westgate 😳 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz59_F8rv_F/
1. Do you imagine the size of that crab? https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/1845gvx/do_you_imagine_the_size_of_that_crab/
Nine Inches
The Black Tower
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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I would have taken the crab claw home and cooked it! Yum! 😅
Yes! Move! Vacate immediately! Don't get rid of the picture! Hellllooooooo is there anyone home????????
that crab thing is FASCINATING. imagine COOKING a crab that big.
Sheesh some call a food challenge channel. Its king errr monster size crab this time!
I was watching this while I wasn't on the toilet but then I had to go so bad I couldn't hold it. Ended up on the toilet for the last 2 minutes
14:57 looks like a big finger came out of the ground, run it in slo mo and pause.
Jesus Christ! Really! The plastic cup moving? Ham honestly when you decide to put these videos on your channel, when you see that footage of the cup moving. Did you say to yourself wow that’s amazing footage of paranormal footage, or did you know it’s a horrible video and it’s bs ? Because I’m very concerned about your subscribers about what you’re putting on your channel
I get it. You want to scare the sh*t out of us. Lucky for the viewers, they're already at the toilet 😂
14:39 Tremors, Shriekers and A**blasters.
Wack video
I didn’t see anything creepy or interesting 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
For some reason, I have to go to the bathroom…. I'll brb!! Lol
yes meaty crab! LOL
Kallen always has us covered 💜👻
4:50 some homeless person lives there and dude comes and disturbs him. Screaming and throwing shit at people is nothing new. I know because I worked checking city owned but unused buildings. Met homeless acting like that pretty much every time I went somewhere really early and woke them.
I need to see more.
14:09 Sinkhole?
That is a crab claw. I grew up around them. I know exactly what a dead crab claws look like. That claw has the black dots which means it’s almost certainly real. And not only that all the textures and hues seem perfect. What did a master artist mold that thing? I think NOT. Because not long ago they found yet another species which was supposed to be extinct for the last 65 million years. They found it alive. Before that it was another a fish also supposedly extinct. Yet apparently not. What are they right about since they are wrong about so much? If the fish was supposed to be gone 65 million years ago yet shows up in fisherman’s nets in the UK it seems they are utterly wrong about a lot of things. And the fish was alive and breathing. So….
03:12 Completely natural. It's cold air expanding as well as the slippery wet surface of the tray allowing the cup to slide. Pretty sure I've read employees of bars observing the exact same thing happening all the time.
Who tf would see some strange creature in the woods and TURN OFF their flashlight multiple times?! So dumb, fake or real, so dumb.
It’s an empty plastic cup in an eatery, most likely a fan above head, or an accumulation of water under the empty cup, or both at the same time.
#2 – That is just a river of slime.. just follow it to the nearest museum and see which painting is smiling at you
A giant coconut Crab claw?
I like these videos don't get me wrong but watching some of these makes me realize more and more every time I watch them that people really do not have lives. They film themselves eating they film themselves in every other area that I can't mention on here so what's next going to film yourself taking a f**** s**. People need to seriously grow the f** up and get a life!!! And that's a fact!! Today's day and age in society, like I always mention there is no class whatsoever, none.
You know people are so weird that they actually have to film themselves eating!!! Just f**** eat, nobody gives a s***.
I'm pretty sure that crab claw thing was a part of the space shuttle Columbia.
#9 is a Graboid
Maybe like the giant squid there is a giant crab in the depths of the ocean even bigger then the spider crab.
So the wolfman story…. The guy on the farm… He keeps his guns… Hundreds of feet a way, locked in a barn…yeah right.
The weirdest thing on this video was the commercial of the robot that appeared for a fraction of seconds, since it was blocked in my page.
With the cup its simply condensation, the cup just slip down. 🙄
And the rest is just 😏 well 🙄
The barn one seems fake. The noises sound exactly like the Clickers from the Last of Us game (I've played that game a million times, I would definitely know what a Clicker sounds like).
I can't help but feel it was just clever editing.
The " one girl , one cup" title made me chuckle
The “crab claw” looks more like a giant lobster leg, even the little pincher in the end looks like it.
13:10.. big foot/ sabe.. they can be invisible..
The crab leg isn't part of a kayak. Things can grow very large in the ocean if we would stay out of it and leave these natrual ecosystems alone. Or maybe it is just a well done prop. We will bever know, becauuse its just a mystery with little info.
Giant crabs actually exist, but not so big that they would have a claw as enormous as the one in your video. They're called coconut crabs, and they are known to be as wide as 1 meter. They are omnivorous, eating both plants and animals. They live almost entirely on land. Maybe a coconut crab grew to abnormally monstrous proportions.
A bar tender…. You sure it wasn't Kevin bacon😀
Martin's in Maine are fake as well😂
Leviathons videos are all set ups. FAKE😂
On talk so much bs