The fastest and most agile of the mustelid family – the ferret in action! Ferret versus squirrel, rabbits and gophers. Ferret vs rat. Ferret versus cat, dog, snake.
Today I invite you to look at this agile masked animal, and it’s not a raccoon. A fast member of the weasel family and a very close relative of the weasel and ermine. Today we will look at the ferret in action. Get comfortable and let’s get started!
What do we need to know about ferrets? At the very least, they are different. For example, two types of ferrets live in Russia: the forest ferret (also known as dark) and the steppe ferret (also known as light). There are also domestic ferrets, which were artificially bred and are a subspecies of the forest ferret. There is also a furo, an albino forest ferret. He was depicted in Leonardo da Vinci’s painting Lady with an Ermine. The third and last species is the American or black-footed ferret, which lives where you think? In the North American continent! Looks like we got it right. An interesting story turned out with the American ferret. By 1937, he was completely exterminated in Canada, and in America he became an endangered species. However, in the 1980s, the last known wild population of 18 animals was caught, and they began to use it to restore numbers. And now you can often see how caring people raise and return ferrets to their natural habitat. And if someone from the ferret family doubts, then it can be transported like that.
ERMINE in Action! https://youtu.be/Vk5i85YoYD4
I feel like the narrator is pausing with every word he’s saying and it’s super annoying. Speaking in true sentences is something he can’t do. I hope he finds a better career for himself because I feel embarrassed listening to this.😢
9:22 Puppies? PUPPIES!?
Gopher or ground squirrel? This video contains a lot of misinformation about ferrets.
Aussie 1960s 70's dad bred ferrets we had 2/3 cages with tin sheet at the other end to poop on they did smell abit
Mostly fed on bread milk we had a cow and rabbit livers after a day out hunting we got many rabbits over the years it was fun day out & payed for the fuel etc
One morning we watched 2 wegtail eagles sitting on a fence 8ft away the L8tr 1 swooped down after a rabbit running & it carried it off to a tree never seen anything like that again .Gold moment
This video is ridiculous, look elsewhere for education
Ferret vs the honey badger. Fight!
Of course the gopher has better ground game then the ferret. He only adopted the ground the gopher was born in it molded by it.
Like a weiner cat
Trying to annunciate every syllable is annoying.
Those are called Prarie Dogs not gophers
My ferret caught a mouse once and brutally mauled it! Tore it in half….
هيوني 😍🥰❤️❤️😁✨
Ferret and wild polecat = different animals
Poor squirrel, stupid vicious annoying ferrets !
A good weasel is a ___ weasel. Fill in the blank.
My uncle use to own 3 of these and he had a white one
Nasty little animal from a place down under .
How can i get one
I love Ferret Faucet on Charlie's Angels.
The weasel's range has expanded since the late 19th century to include New Zealand and is where the species has caused a decline in native bird populations.
They are easily domesticated my uncle own one