Passengers on board a cruise ship documented the effects of hurricane force winds and waves that reportedly reached nine metres in height.
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With all the modern technological advances available on ships today, there should be no reason for a cruise ship to be in a storm risking life and limb.
Worrying about your arrival time is exactly why the Titanic didn't make it on it's maiden voyage.
What's more important – getting your passengers back home safely or sticking to a timeline?
We had some waves 🌊and it was a little windy but my captain was doing A ok. I'm glad y'all were ok.
That l👀ks like the Greyhound bus of cruise ships.
Whatever captain sailed into this is a moron. They can tell where the weather is, this isn't 1742.
0:27 Let's do the shuffle 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂👍👍👍👍
There is no real risk for the ship to be lost. However, these high cruise ships must be miserable steamers in bad weather. Also, do these cruise ships not know how to secure for sea?
Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours…..
50% discount 😂😂😂
Kajakajaka 😂 no se metan con mexico eso pasa
This video needs a little music
50% discount??!! Should have been a free next cruise
Lot of loose items. This ship was not adequately prepared for this or any other storm. No grab rails in many areas.
Can't control mother nature. Something could happen on an airplane, then where do u go.
Some of that furniture had to end up in the ocean.
9m waves no problem ive done 13m on QE2
I would’ve over dosed on a bottle of Dramamine if I had been on ship
I would not book an Atlantic or Caribbean cruise during hurricane season. I don’t know why people do this and then be all Pikachu face when they encounter a storm at sea.
Don't playe with mother nature
Oh just ride it out, have a kip, watch a few episodes of game of thrones or sumin on a tablet with head phones on, so much drama
That's quantum class cruise ship
0:37 this guy jared dines's friend?
Ik ben in Tunis so tornado had ik Noyt in bijbleven gezien 😮
50 percent discount? They should have all been given another free cruise
Refund? They should charge more for this riveting experience 😁
I was thinking going on a cruise ship one day but since storm and big waves can happen in thr Ocean I might have changed my mind about going on a cruise ship
Doesn’t that captain check the weather before departure? Or at least the first officer?
I was on a cruise during a hurricane and I love every second of it.
I don't do cruises, and have zero interest in doing one, but if I was given a full refund for my cruise holiday and then offered a 50% discount on my next cruise, I'd definitely go ahead and book my next for the same time the following year 😂 it's like a glitch that has a potential to keep giving.
I've been in plenty of big storms in boats and ferries over the years, always have good fun in those situations, although everyone else seems to be puking their gut out 😂
I’m not taking a BATH after that 😂😂😂😂
He asks, why? Lol its because is a business and they didn't want to returned the money to the people.
They should of gone to the casino the slot machines are bolted down. You can hold on to them and play at the same time.
I’m the mini bottle of vodka flying off the side table
Kindly remove females from video not allowed in Islam
Follow Islam because no salvation without Islam
i would pay extra for this
Nah fam lol