The Top 20 SCARY GHOST videos from the entire year. We took YOUR suggestions and comments and compiled the SCARIEST Top 20 list of ALL of our scary ghost videos from the last year! Haunted places, ghost hunters, poltergeists, haunted dolls, weird evps , scary apparitions, and scary videos of EXTREME paranormal activity … Not the usual Top 5 or even a Top 10, but a TOP 20. THIS video has it all!
NUKE’S TOP 5 MERCH STORE!!! https://nukestop5.com/
If you liked this Nukes Tops 5 list (technically a top 20) , you should also check out Top 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR for 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi0WAVT2KjM or check out the Top 20 Scary Ghost Videos of Nukes Top 5 of the Year 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LliLxv67_V4
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Scott 🥲
As expected, another Indonesian streamer doing stupid stuff and then calls Allah for saving.
The girl diving swam past the ghost of an Italian mobster that witnessed all that cake she had and he had to scream outta frustration since he can’t tap those
Hi there Nuke lol !!!😂😅
Looking closely that scuba diva girl seems to be screaming woth her mouth closed, you can see her throat tensing in time of the noise
I've been waiting for this son of a bitch all month!! thank you lord nuke
That restaurant ghost is just mean. Don’t pick on the minimum-wage workers trying to make ends meet! Go torment a multibillion-dollar company’s CEO or something.
Is the diver girl literally recording and driving at the same time??
Keep it anonymous Nuke, i respect that. Love your channel, well edited scripted and organised. Would also love to see some bloopers too!
I don't understand why people investigate by themselves. Its so dangerous or i feel its fake
I absolutely love your videos, Nuke. But DAMN you might wanna cut down on the ads because there is way too many😮
The girl diving heard a rope being reeled in. That wasnt a girl screaming. Now go listen again
I hope David from signs and signals will lose weight soon if he doesn't he won't be with us much longer
It was two guys hiding under the bed. 50:45
All I have to say is wow.. if your finger presses anything on the screen you delete your Hulu downloads or just randomly doing anything on your phone
Sigma todler 😮💨
Vote here for Nuke feet reveal; give the people what we really want
👍👏👍👏💯👏💯 Wa, State
#6 the abandoned arcade -looks to be a mother carrying her baby, the 2nd time looks like she is hugging the child/baby.
The video with the police search really makes me feel nervous. I love how he disguises the fact that he’s on the verge of evacuating his bowels with a calm, “Yeah, we’re good”.
In the 4th clip, they say her dog was poisoned. In my culture, we believe that if you have a dog in your home – your dog gives its life to protect you from anything that is supernatural.
that number 10 is so weird i dont know how you can fake running into a person on a livestream
The little girl with the tool box video, you can almost see a pair of black feet/shoes appear out of nowhere in the reflection of the oven door. So pretty sure they have to call the ghost busters
The apparition of the girl in the hospital-we’re not expected to believe that’s real are we?
I mean it’s well put together-but real??? Nah, sorry, not a snowball in hells chance!! 😉
25:01 face in the bush says hello
That last video, maybe Siren Head?
Bad Diet Choices …. 😆😆😆
The pussies that sent their dog bear to do all "ghost" hunting while they were dicking around and then too scared to face the ghost itself. Bear should have his own ghost hunting youtube channel. i would never let my dog go alone in these hunts.
It took me 3 days to watch😂😂 due to traveling the holiday and the wonderful family!❤
Now, to the videos, 😅
On #13, I love what the truckers see! I think you may have shown this one(I'm about to suggest however) Hey Nuke, I want to suggest the trucker on hwy 13 in OK! That one is cool. (I don't mind if you use my name. Because it is a video you already played.?)
And then 😅 onto the next to last vid. I think they own too many modern trickery cameras. 😊
Oh, and on #3 (I think 🤔), I believe that one is true!! The wife laughing was so great!!😂😂
And lastly, ( for the ppl that have read this far besides Nuke. 😁) I love Ya Nuke. Your channel is always off the chain good!! ✌️🫶
“Woah was that a ghost?!” 😂
The Asian stuff is completely faked. Chu video also. 100% production.