Camera captures mysterious orb in Daytona Beach pastor’s home
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Dust in the air😂😂😂😂
It was Jesus Satan Antilogos 666 Christus.
Really!? Lol Cmon guys.
I once was camping on old native American land (i had permission from elders) and at night near where they would do sweatlodges i saw a white ball of light similar to the size of a beach ball maybe smaller rising into the air I've never seen anything like it before or after in videos or anything and the people I was with saw it too so I wasn't hallucinating or something can anyone tell me what I might of saw i personally think it might have been a spirit the grounds were rumored to have old burial grounds only known about by the top few elders
That's a spider web. At least a spider string of a web that happens in front of my camera sometimes The infrared of the camera will catch on the spider web and it kind of looks just like well that
Spider web reflecting light
If you're a man of God than the good is attracted to you! Guardian Angels I think! White and purple orbs! Definitely from God! The bad ones are always dark! You would know because they would always be messing with you. They are very capable of making your life miserable! I am amazed by your video! I felt God instantly while watching it!❤❤❤
Hello, i cough some ORBS at my place , can somebody tell me what do you think about it? can be just energy , spirits? or ghost? iyhe video is my my channel. i have tons of thiis videos, there is every night something. rare when nothing happen. i can no see them neked eye but with the night vision camera. if somebody knows please let me know. thank you
Ive seen an orb. This isn't it. It literally looks like a spiders web and the camera is having trouble picking it up, which is why it looks like a blob. When it splits, you can distinctly see a spiders web. Mr spider has you all fooled.
The 42 sec part says fishing line to me.. dunno lol
I have an explanation for sire
Vasyl miał rację D:
Orbs are everywhere. Common. Nothing new here
What about god 😂😂😂
I saw with no cameras today i saw an red one but it flew fast i was wondering what that was i was it with my own eyes
Oh wow that’s amazing! I’m jealous 😂
Can’t hear what you saying with that mask on stoopid lol 😵💫😵💫🥴
Orbs debunker are proposing foolish arguments.
My mother saw this when I was younger and she was making my bed after a big move, she saw one and SPRINTED out the house, I used to be so glad I've never seen one, because ive always thought that they were much bigger, but now that I see this they seem so nice and friendly, Im just glad this is some indication of ddeath not being just nothing.
I did activate my camera microphone and said hello.
Oh and these guys are not triggering my spotlight on my camera.
Me too in NYC. At 530am on my security camera in front of my house. Been here for over an hour.
I also got this on my hike in a forest with my cousin.
Spirit or Some type of Outof space survellence
Spirituall surveillance
Can anyone explain what all these things are thay split
I know what this is……..Stop looking so deep, you will never figure it out.
Looks like the camera 📷 was in front of a glass and the orb was a reflection
I saw one of these in person, for some reason I brushed it off as nothing important and I wasn’t even interested. Kind of regret it because I could have been the first one to examine whatever it is, right up close, but maybe it wasn’t safe so whatever.
If you say the Lord rebuke you and pray if it is evil to leave in Jesus name. And repent from all sin and pray to overcome in Jesus. We are in the end times and are to live Holy lives. Not show interest in pagan stuff or ghosts or Alien which I believe are demons.
I have something like this too!!! I don't know what it is been here for months looks like a mechanical purple blue eye then it turns to an orb!
a simple reflection
The Stop Stealing from the Congregation Orb
How can you not know it's a demons. Cast them out.
Ive caught this in a forest.mine floated off with a halo.
That is a spider web lol😂
I saw one over my Grandsons head, where my late 21 yr old 1st cousin always sat..
He's a pastor? Why didnt he pray instantly?