The King Penguins leave their birdhouse exhibit to go to an outdoor display. They do this during the winter when it’s cold enough for them to be outside.
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"Remember, cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly."
No more slavery for any penguin! They should never be in a zoo at all! They are like human beings.
little kids in the school ❤❤❤
Why this penguin black
"Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave"
The Linux penguins
lovely coats how do they stay so clean? I hear penguins can create a lot of waste if they stay in one area
Chonky black birdo :3
Skipper: You didn't see anything.
What kind of penguin is that bruh
Just smile and wave boys
Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.
No Madagascar jokes!? What an oddity.
Just smile and wave boys
Just smile and wave boys
0:25 what is that??? Is that another type of penguin?
I like how one of them stopped to look at the cameraman, like, “Who’s you?”
Can’t believe how cute their walk is
loved this video.
Me and the boys leaving the club
i like how the first 6 look like normal penguins while the last one looks like a massive potato
Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave
As the secret service enters the chamber the president is escorted down the ramp.
LOL! For a second, I thought it was just a bunch of guys in costumes. "Featherees" to coin a phrase.
“Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.”
I am sorry, they just look like bullies going to principals's office with their teacher behind 😅😅😅
"Evan. Nvm."
Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave.
Off to collect their paychecks
Here comes big black jack
Looks like they’re holding a railing 💀
Penguins are cute, I love penguins
Oh😍So Cute 🥰 penguin
That baby emperor penguin is so………….. i just wanna be its mom…
they just graduated from university!!!
*linux users assembling when someone says that windows is better than linux*
Last but not least we have a absolute obelisk of a penguin