Watch the FULL VIDEO here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgX5YzCw5Mg&t=107s
This video will convince you that DEMONS ARE REAL. We captured horrifying paranormal activity on camera at the infamous Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas, and what we encountered that night absolutely terrified us. “TOBY” the DEMON was there, and he spoke with us that evening. In this video, you will see scary ghost activity, demonic attacks, frightening moments and some of the scariest paranormal evidence that we’ve ever captured on camera. You’re watching, THE PARANORMAL FILES.
Every week “The Paranormal Files” travels around the world to ghost hunt, search for skinwalkers, investigate demons and capture paranormal evidence. Join us as we grow the spooky family, release real paranormal videos and adventure together!
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🎵 Colin’s music! (“Sun, Sand & Sadness”!) 🎵:
It looks like 2 or double headed. Not to clear
Short answer = nope
If they were real, do you really think a demon would ever need to show itself? If a demon was ever captured on film it would trigger the biggest recruitment Christianity had ever seen.
That demon has better teeth than Simon Cowell
Why can't they help those poor souls find the light? Instead of having them trapped there with dick head Toby. Man he's got some nice teeth.
Oh Hell No!!! 😱👀😱 Last time when I was watch the Hill House investigation by Twin Paranormal. Toby came for a visit and shook my bed & made tapping sounds on my walls inside of my house. But I prayed a lot that night so Toby go away forever and not haunt me again. Hopefully, with your investigation I won't get haunted again by Toby. I'm going to pray before watching your video on the Hill House. Not going through again. #StaySpooky #SpookyFam 💕👻💕
Looks like one of the ghoulies, with a lot of hair.
So is the demon on the right or left of the person? The one on our left really looks like a demon with red horns and on our right just behind persons butt is another creepy ass thing and it looks like it's wearing a white face mask, and the eyes are -well spooking the crap out of me
That video was crazy creepy. Almost needed spare pants and I was not even there. More short's Colin please. I know people who only look for channels to watch from checking out 'shorts'
Could hardly make it out. Still creepy though.
I know that demonic spirit is there. Remember me telling you about the spirits mentioning you through my spirit talker. I had problems getting within a block of there and I refused to touch the property.
It's smiling 😀
Nice inquest. I've always felt compelled to pursue the greatest interests of mankind, to wit. A way to be influential, powerful and protected. always felt the need to be recognized wherever i go, not because i am proud or clamorous but because of who i am and what i represent. The inner me is gasping to find out more knowledge about the human race and about the things that not everyone is destined to know. I wish to blossom into the enlightenment that our forebears wanted so desperately for us to gain.
Wow definitely looks pretty scary an it wanted to be seen an smiled for the picture
What's the red thing? And is it the head above the red thing or the red thing is the center of the face?
Wow that is really scary.
Idk about the picture but I was watching the video yesterday nearly 1 hour in I got so tired couldn’t open my eyes so I went to sleep. I’m going to keep watching it tonight.
Omg this is crazy
Nah! Unless u took that photo then I'm not buying it.. He has the best teeth I've seen for a person let alone a demon. I know I heard some crazy stuff on your show but the guy you interviewed put 10 on 2… Let's just be honest!
Looks like a demon to me!!!
Watch it and never will go there and big fan keep up the works and stay holy to god. God has more power then anyone and anything
Wow, you can see its eyes, nose, and teeth! Looks like it’s holding a red thing whatever it is. Video was very creepy when I watched it. I could hear the hissing and noises with my earbuds.
I guess Hell has a great dental plan. 😅
That is so a 😈 omg dude
Looks like a Bigfoot
Looks like Doja cat😂😂
I've never witnessed a spirit, ghost,
Or even a demon. I'm spooked looking at that picture. Scary 😮
Wow, didn't know demon's had such white teeth! lol
What is that lol!?!
My daughter has seen a demon. I know a lot about demons. This is a demon. Stay close to Christ and love him because these entities will receive us after we die. I love you Colin.💖Take care.
Looks very scary indeed. I would not want to go there seeing that picture. Y'all are crazy lol
The dog demon photo still haunts me
Demons can appear in any forms and looks
Thought u didn't believe in demons and that "mumbo jumbo" ur words bud 🤔
Toby is freaky
I just got this notification now. 10:27 est
For a minute I thought you captured a picture of my ex girlfriend! Then I realized it’s just Toby!
For years I've watched your episodes and never had any problems. Yesterday, as a sensitive person, I had problems. I saw things, I couldn't sleep, I had sleep paralisys, nightmare, a strong pain in my stomach. I slept only for two hours. Never, with all my years seeing channels like yours never had any problem. There is something bad in this house.
The amount of likes as of this comment is triple six’s
Holy crap!!! It took me a good few seconds staring at it and then I noticed those EYES!!!!! 🤢😫
Colin, you & the (irl) fam are absolutely the
🐝🐝 ↗️🦵↗️🦵!!! 🤣
Love y'all bunches!
There's another spirit, some kind of animal or something. Under the first one.