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⭐ What should we name him?
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Paw Squadron! i"d suggest for a name "Brownie"
Он толстенький, у него мама была. А вы его забрали .. упыри.
I think you can name it brown or goofy
Precious gorgeous bubs 😢❤
You are a good man. The world need.more men like you. ❤
Hi just a suggestion, but could you leave adoption info up longer in video? Thank you
I'd name him Forest 👍 thats where you found him. Hes so cute! Thank you 😇 ❤ those two are a hoot 🥳
did u also rescue that first black dog at the start ? also good job x
I am thinking lily
You should name it Bonny or Cleo
He’s so cute I think you should name him Luke
Poor thing, he is so frightened 😢
So cute ! Thank you !
3:00 caper najis si anying
It's always essential to have a blanket handy to create a cozy "puppy burrito" when rescuing them, ensuring they stay warm until you return. Additionally, carrying a bottle of water and some canned food can make a quick and helpful difference.
Why didnt you stop for the black dog?
man you are a hero, respect
If it’s a girl name it amber and ami for short if it’s a boy then name it Alex
Or the time traveler the dog.
Frost ice pack the dog
6:01 looks like a polar bear 🐻❄
This looks like some sort of doodle, and I can tell you for a fact it came from a Puppymill and they’ve just chucked it out
Was this in Turkey?
And can I adopt him?
His name is jack
Your so kind to dogs I think you're going to god
Your a good man 😍😍😍😍🇺🇸🐶
Rocky would be a great name for the new puppy!!❤
Thank you my friend
He could be on a magazine ❤he is so Cute 🥰…l don’t why people can leave a baby puppy behind!!!
Thanks for taking care of him ❤❤❤
Thank you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Pls feed them vegetarian diet 😢, you are killing a animal to feed other animal.
He's so cute😊😊.
Name him timmy
Name he or her acy please?
You should name it io or fluffy