Pretending to Faint in school.|Bob kichwa ngumu Ep 07 #kenyananimation #animationpgc #bobkichwangumu Tesla [Live] — December 30, 2023 24 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist In order to avoid being punished by his tacher,bob pretends to be unconscious. source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest

Fanya. Mchongoano kidogo

yeye ni master
How Fanny

Naskia we ni mnono adi ulikosa plase ya kunyamba
Iyo iko sawa yabob
Akisimulete mchongoano latest
This episode is the best

oh my gosh
Ni poa
Good jokes hahaha
bwana yake ni bon kichwa ngumu…. nataka hio full song niweke iwe ringtone yangu
Pls can i know how you make this animations they are good