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UFC die off slightly compared to what it was 6 to 8 years ago
best podcast show HANDS DOWN
Does anybody know what phone case the legend has on his phone?!?!
Chuck loves the snow
LEGEND CHUCK!!!! My favorite fighter when playing UFC!!!!
yall should watch "catching lightnigh" about lee murray the ufc boxer who went to jail for a massive bank robbery
there is a street fight scene in that movie they talk about where Liddell dropped like 6 people in one punch each during a street fight lol. dude is an animal…. THIS is a dude Bradley would get MURKED by
I love this! Not little girls and boys talking nonsense! You can hear that Bradley is Soo much more intellectual than he portrays.
Hey bro love your work. Can you please start adding timestamps to the pod? 💯
So this is kinda the first time I've watched Bradley Martin, aside from some random shorts asking who would win or some gym stuff.. i had the impression people don't like him or something. He seems like a nice dude to me… I don't know. Maybe i just got the wrong idea? Fans of his chime in, I'd like to hear your side of this
Chuck saying he wanted to be a ninja is way too funny. We all did lol. I think i was a nija for Halloween like 5 times
Chuck is TWEAKING 💪😬 💪
The ice man been smokin Ice
Chuck was UFC's first real superstar. Mans a legend.
Brad is so full of himself the dude can’t fight we all know
Is it me or is he punch drunk?? Slurs his words and mumbling his way through the entire pod
I can’t believe there are people in this comment section that think current chuck would win let alone have a chance
43:20 bro imagine how insane this looked😂😂
Chuck is tweekin lol
Favorite fighter of all time, maybe not the best, but most entertaining for sure!! Sucks seeing him tweekin like this
Cte and all Chuck washing Brad in a street fight
Literally watched him fight on TV as a kid, got me into the UFC. Ultimate fighter season 1, it’s been history ever since. All the best for Chuck, man. Kind of hard to hear him talk these days, but I love every second of it. Dana is a man of his word, he will protect and take care of Chuck forever.
Edit- screw Tito. Tell us another story about Jackals and Christopher Walken. Great movie by the way, Pool Hall Junkies. Worth the watch.
It’s crazy, how the most violent man ever come from the most softest city in the world
The only loss I a had in a fight this fucken kid had the chuck lidell hair and looked just like chuck except the goat t…. lol so when I see chuck I get bad memories hahahahahahaha love the iceman tho
What’s your favorite weed. Cocaine
He talks just like Nate
Is this what Conor’s gonna be like in 15-20
garbage cast
Who else came here just to see Brad ask chuck “think u can beat me in a street fight”?
Brad has a listening problem ; I wonder if he would interrupt The Rock that many times. Or Lesnar.
Show that bald head!! So lame.
Feel like Chuck has the best story’s and could keep talking it’s just hard to understand him sometimes
This is fucking heartbreaking his health deteriorates in front of us
The Iceman!
Love Chuck but dude can’t tell a story to save his life knockouts got to him a bit ❤
Chuck sounding like Crip Mac
What a humble legend in MMA. Glad that big guy didn't get slapped. 😂
The amount of CTE in this conversation is wild. Absolute legend though!
Sad to see Chuck on crack now
Get Francis Ngannu
I don't think I know anyone who is loved more from the ufc than this guy. Chuck is a man's man and that's why we all respect him
How are the two models at the end of the raw gear promo 👀
Look how f*cked up his hands are, his fingers are all crookid😂
eating the candy made me turn this off
Bradley saying Like 1400 times isn't annoying or unprofessional at all.
This podcast and any podcast you do Brad will easily top the shallow nature of anything Nelk does without you. Keep pushing the boundaries, keep being the most authentic and vulnerable version of you. All Love brother.
Love the ice man but damn you can tell that cte hittin lol
Cant put muscle on your chin, one punch from any proffesional fighterwoulddrop brad, end of conversation