Man lives with 6 rats, says they are basically his kids
Check out their story: https://www.instagram.com/sushii_rats/
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Adorable story. Aren't they made for each other?
In 2015 I was alone and depressed as heck. Wanted to self delete. Gained so much weight. I got two Rats and their love and companionship absolutely helped me so much. Miss Raz and Turbo ❤
Rats are as awesome as Dogs. They just don't live very long 😢
Rats are great pets. They love affection and attention and are quite intelligent. Plus, they're really clean and they don't poop and pee indiscriminately.
how do you stop them shiting every were
Itty Bitty Ratty Lickies 😂❤
Do you still have ratties🐾🐾🐭💗
If he loved them like his kids he'd probably had committed suicide with his children dying every 2 years.
Bravo 😊❤❤
I just came across this. Rats are so adorable. I had one many years ago, she was adorable and I miss her, but I gave her the best life and she left me with wonderful memories. She’d sit on my shoulder and go out with me for walks. I even used her to teach the kids of the area I lived in (I was only 19 at the time) about rats and how clean, smart and sociable they are, they all loved her too. I would like to adopt more but my husband is terrified of them and my cat baby would try to eat them.
Rats are so cute but their short lifespan is kind of a no-go for me.
Наш человек 😊 мы тоже многодетная семья, целых 11 детей 🐁🐀
its a pity they have a really short life span
Я их обожаю❤😊
Those are the happiest rats I've ever seen, I love it.
Good on you Rat Dad
The active ingredient in dark chocolate that acts as a vasoconstrictor in rats is called theobromine. It's a natural part of the cocoa bean that gets diluted/filtered out the more processed the chocolate is. Bean-to-bar dark chocolate has much higher % of theobromine than any cheap milk chocolate you'll find at the supermarket. Theobromine is what causes chocolate poisoning in cats and dogs, and despite them being bigger animals, they are extremely sensitive to it. Humans at most get a headache if we consume too much chocolate. A rat would have to eat about half its body weight in dark chocolate before they get chocolate poisoning. Too much chocolate will negate any positive effects, due to fat and sugar contents.
They may perfect pets they're smart they're clean the only problem is their life span
Is this fellow single? 👀 asking for a friend
Rats often don't live 2 or 3 years, due to tumors and it doesn't matter in those cases how well you take care for them. I paid for the mammary tumor removals many times and my rats often didn't live past 2 years. It makes me sad he says it is up to how well u take care of them that they would live 5 years when those 5 year cases have been repeatedly proven to be lies. Those are pretty much impossible. Often you can't do much..I gave them meds for their URIs and removed their tumors fed them the best food and fresh veggies only and they still often didn't make it past 2. My oldest ones were 2y and a half and they showed severe signs of aging already before they passed away. They are my absolute favorite pets but you gotta be aware they don't love long and need to be held at least as 2 or better 3 in a large cage with toys and levels. They are the best but I wish they lived at least 10 years
Ok the rats eating outta the same cereal bowl as him is messed up
It's just so sad that you lose them after two years on average.
Rats might be the perfect pet. They know parkour like cats and clean themselves. You can litter train them too. But they’re also lovable, cuddly, and loyal like dogs except small and easier to take care of and smarter. I never had a rat bite me either. I’ve had both fancy rats and feeder rats and there’s no difference personality wise. Both are just as smart and gentle and build a bond with you really quick. They all have distinct personalities too. It’s really quite amazing how cool they are.
Rats are very loyal to their human. Mine were like toddlers who don’t want to be separated from their mum. If anyone except me tried to handle them, they were obviously unhappy and tried to get back to me. I never expected that when I got them. Really wonderful little creatures.
If only they didn’t have such short lifespans. 😢
I have always though rats are super cool. Intellegent and bond well and make good pets.
You are indeed blessed to be owned by the ratto angels! Beautiful video! 🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭❤❤❤❤❤❤
I wish rats lived longer 🙁 I totally want one but sigh I can't handle losing them so soon. So I watch video's 🥰
what a psychotic freak
I had two rats. I'm not joking when I say they're like little people. They honestly have more of a strong personality than most dogs and cats! My rats would communicate with me, groom me, ask to play, and they would watch YouTube with me, cuddled up against the side of the cage. It was kind of bizarre in hindsight. I think rats and humans/apes have more similarities in the way they bond than cats or dogs.
If you have trouble with grieving, I don't reccomend them. It felt like I had just made best friends with them before they passed.
What a lovely family.
Rats rule😂❤
Aww 😢This made me think of my feeder rat Stinky!! She was just shy of 5 years when she passed; the vet was STUNNED! I, only ever owning one rat.. thought this was normal!!
It's just a shame they live such short lives.
Ratties make the BEST little pet buddies! I miss mine so much…
❤so happy to see people like you loving on those sweet babies , as much as we do 😊
Thank you for sharing your story and educating people of what wonderful companions they are !
Their only cons that they have such a short life span 😢
I love rats <3
I have a hairless rat, rats are so smart, clean, and like kids
I love pet ratties and have had several of the years while I was younger and somewhat healthier. They are so very smart and learn very quickly. I don’t have any anymore as my physical disabilities make me unable to care for them and play with them.