They did the mash!
The elephant family stomped and snacked on over 1,200 lbs of pumpkins this morning during our Squishing of the Squash! Big thanks to growers Larry Nelson and Jim Paino for the gourd time! 🎃🐘
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that's how i eat watermelons
Those pumpkins are HUGE!!!
Ah yes, pumpkins. Would've died out with the bulk of the big mammals if we humans hadn't decided to keep cultivating them ourselves.
those pumpkins are definitely very strong.
Piękne zwierzatka 😊😊😊😊
Mmmmmm yummmmmy
I love how happy the Elephants are, the Zoo's i have been too, the elephants always look sick or depressed. But you can see the happiness in their eyes and the smiles these ones have, how sweet. Elephants are such amazing smart sensitive creatures
so alien like
just a little titbit, giant dinosaurs had footcushions similar to those of elephants, based on research that indicated that they would otherwise have simply crushed the bones in their feet (argentinosaurus, brontosaurus,…)
Look mommy that elephant has two trunks! 😂
Who says humans are the only smart beings on earth? These elephants saw those pumpkin and opened them up immediately they knew there's food inside
They’re sweet things.
I didn’t know elephants liked pumpkin
History fact: in medieval India, elephants were used as a form of execution. The elephants steped upon the head of thiefs, murders, etc.. and crushed their heads. Like here a pumpkin.
Those pumpkins look anaemic.
They were sued by Billy Corgan for this.
Thats cute, only the apes at the site were a bit annoying
I find this video to be so relaxing. 🤗
this is def the best use for giant pumpkins
Melon Hathi and the Elephant Sadness.
Next, they started a band.
What is this type of pumpkin?
mm satisfying 😀
I liked the low rumble.
How the hell do pumpkins grow that big
Smashing Pumpkins
Should of played smashing pumpkins
Happy Thanksgiving