Total Idiots At Work Got Instant Karma ! Best Fails of the Week #21
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Total Idiots At Work Got Instant Karma ! Best Fails of the Week #21
i’m in stitches! Each clip is funnier than the last. Can’t wait to see more videos like this. 😄🙌
5:04 dogs don't move like that and looks at their legs
5.2 is a goat not a dog
I questioned when a snowmobile was called a snow motorcycle. I stopped watching when a black and a white goat were called dogs. It's either a poor AI program or someone flunked kindergarten because they didn't pay attention to the See and Say.
I'm sick and tired with these inane commentreries. Just shut up!
A snow motorcycle is a snowmobile and the dogs are goats 5:01 . Better do not comment.
Sorry red dress girl, you made me laugh until my stomach hurt 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The brown and the black “ DOG “, really. Numpty.
Your funny videos always make me laugh out loud. You use top notch sound.
Damn, that poor crane operator in the second clip must’ve gotten pretty messed up from that.
Damn, that poor crane operator in the second clip must’ve gotten pretty messed up from that.
Allright, the thing with the leafblower was funny as hell
The amount of times I’ve caught my wife drinking in the car still do it , priceless but she still doesn’t see the funny side of it
J ai adoré la fin elle excellente 🤣🤣👍
4:02 that was perfect 👍🏼 An excellent way to get rid of that stupid dancing 😁
The guy with a jackhammer cant be an idiot….rather a genious
These fire fighters are no idiots. If you took the time to look closer the one on the very right tries to break the glass so they have another angle lol. 2:40
You know its bad when cameraman has to video the floor after something unsuspected happens