Most Terrifying Ghost Sighting in an Airport See What Happens
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oh nvm😮🤯🤯😯😯😯😮😮😮😲😲😨😨😨😱😱😱
I can see people just walking everything is fine
Nah its just the plane lagging, recources cant load real quick
Bro God must patch this 💀
Wha how?! Wait… im so confused how is this possable ?!
Okay it's fake
Heart breaking 💔
They’re walking so unnaturally fast
The plane probably crashed. But about these passengers, I should tell unexplained.
Were there people seen inside the airport 😮
I think its one of these ground escalators never mind it's not connected to a plane
It cannot be the ghosts of MH 370 .
If the passengers last ort of embarking was Kuala Lumpur .
People made a mistake now they are going back out 😅
Incorrect on the crash, the plane that crashed was Thai Airways International Flight 261. You can do your research on this.
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It's a reflection of other planes walk way
I agree with you
This same scene occurred in Norway when I was there
Bakwas mat kar churan.
context: the mh 370 but the plane is pithching down and banking and crash to the sea
If this is the captured video by the pilot recording it, then there should be monitoring via the airport security cameras positioned at the terminal gate also recording the footage from where it’s at, at the same time. That would be the corresponding corroboration video.
My thoughts on this is why don’t I ever see stuff like this happen? It’s only on YouTube.
You'll never know why i have 0 likes/replies.🥲🥲🥲
This gotta be a joke right im scared 😰
The gate way to heaven be like
a parallel universe
The system is broken. That’s what many people say therefore it must be a glitch. Life is a game and the only way to win is to die.
Its a plane how can that happen😮
Nah I was in the airport
Omg actually
The mh370 is never landed because it got shot down by russian soldier's using a canon because they thpught its a diffrent plane because the plane they trying to shoot is using the same route as the mh370 used
No I think the ghosts took a flight to Hawaii only to realize that Hawaii was boring
I am malaysia but Idk where is the plane I am so worried they just put a trace of clothes and bags and nothing else no one can be seem
It's the scene from world war z
Shadow clone 😂😂😂😂😂