In our daily life, we find various videos in social media, but among these videos we find rare videos that we don’t often find. Welcome to VIRALS BOOK where you can find the best and top popular videos. We as a team edit and work on them all as well as adding our a funny, thoughtful revision, explaination of what a competitor did to succeed or fail and educational commentary on top.
VIRALS BOOK celebrates and ignites human creativity, talent and achievement. Because we believe, with the right inspiration, everyone is capable of remarkable things.
We feature all sorts of extreme sports, activities and amazing feats including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, soccer, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, free running, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2023 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos to see the incredible potential displayed when ordinary people do extraordinary things.
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No one was harmed or injured and no animals were harmed or injured in this video.
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