#Breaking: 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan Triggering Major Tsunami Warnings | 10 News First

#Breaking: 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan Triggering Major Tsunami Warnings | 10 News First
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#Breaking: A major 7.6 magnitude earthquake has hit Central Japan in the last hour. The epicentre is on the coast of the Sea of Japan, with a major tsunami warning stretching the entire length of Japan’s West Coast. Subscribe to 10 News First to get the latest updates and breaking news: https://bit.ly/37DDbL1

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  1. From Japan, we are overwhelmed by the big earthquake even 1/1. Whether we live in the nearest place hit by that, we are praying. I hope everyone is safe🙏

    Today, Ishikawa Prefecture, where a major earthquake and tsunami occurred, is famous for the Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, which houses numerous modern art pieces created both domestically and internationally since 1980. It is renowned as a tourist destination

  2. This magnitude could potentially trigger a series of earthquakes around the Ring of Fire. Our world is indeed delicate, emphasizing the importance of keeping our affairs in order, as everything can shift in the blink of an eye.

  3. I live in Japan, and earthquake warnings have been going off for two hours. A tsunami of about 1m has already hit the Sea of Japan side. The sun has set, and high tide is approaching. We'll likely learn about the damage tomorrow. Please keep Japan in your thoughts and prayers. This is a translated Japanese text, so I apologize if there are any grammatical errors.

  4. Japan is a resilient people, always strong and overcoming all natural disasters. Wishing the country and people of Japan to be safe🙏🇯🇵

  5. Why are they showing footage from different events… if you need to clarify the burning building isn't the nuclear power plant then don't use old footage.

  6. If my understanding is correct 5 meters is approx. near 20 foot waves? This is going to be bad.

    I can't believe they still have nuclear plants near the waters. Japan deserves much better than this. Sending you all the luck I can!

  7. “vendrán muchos en mi nombre, diciendo: Yo soy el Cristo; y a muchos engañarán. Y oiréis de guerras y rumores de guerras; mirad que no os turbéis, porque es necesario que todo esto acontezca; pero aún no es el fin. Porque se levantará nación contra nación, y reino contra reino; y habrá pestes, y hambres, y terremotos en diferentes lugares. Y todo esto será principio de dolores.”

    Dile a Jesús en voz alta: Jesús, confieso que soy pecador. Yo creo que tú eres el hijo de Dios y que tú derramaste tu preciosa sangre en la cruz por mí. Perdona mis pecados. Limpia mi corazón de toda iniquidad. Te doy gracias por salvarme ahora. Amén.

    Lee la Biblia y ora a diario. Congrégate cada semana en una iglesia que predique la Palabra de Dios.
    Cristo viene pronto!

    Visita: Centro Mundial de Avivamiento

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